Cloud Native GL Processor Helm Values File Example

The following is an example of a Helm values file for the Cloud Native GL Processor, specifying all configuration properties with their default values.

The following shows an example cn-gl-processor Helm values file:
# Default values for gl-processor.

# Configuration relating to the Docker Image Registry where all images are stored
    # The name (i.e. host and port) of the Docker Image Registry
    # The image pull policy to use for all containers
    pullPolicy: Never
    # The name of the Secret to use when connecting to the Docker Image Registry. This can be an existing Secret or created by the chart
    # If pullSecretName is not set and createSecret is true, the pullSecretName will dynamically include the current release name.
    # pullSecretName: "docker-registry-creds"
    # True if the chart should create the Secret used to connect to the Docker image registry
    createSecret: false
    # The username used to connect to the Docker Image Registry (only used if create is true)
    username: someone
    # The password used to connect to the Docker Image Registry (only used if create is true). This value should be base64 encoded
    password: cGFzc3dvcmQK  # Created using - echo "password" | base64

    enabled: true
    annotations: { }
      # nginx
      # "true"
      - host: gl-example.local
        paths: [ "/" ]
#    tls:
#      secretName: test-secret

    # Enabled
  enabled: true

  # The number of Pods to schedule
  replicaCount: 1

  # Configuration for Autoscaling
    # True if Autoscaling is enabled
    enabled: false
    # The minimum number of Pods to run at any given time
    minReplicas: 1
    # The maximum number of Pods to run at any given time
    maxReplicas: 1
    # targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 80
    # targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage: 80

  # These settings are used to override the image name and/or version used by the GL Processor
    nameOverride: "cn-gl-processor"
    versionOverride: "5250"

  # The logging level that the GL Processor should use (i.e. debug, error, warn, info, off)
    level: info

  # The settings are used to configure the GL Processor. All can be used together but some may be applied before others
    # A list of environment variables that will be set in the container
      - name: quarkus.datasource.db-kind
        value: postgresql
      - name: quarkus.datasource.username
        value: postgres
      - name: quarkus.datasource.password
        value: KijGc74DYY
      - name: quarkus.datasource.reactive.url
        value: postgresql://postgresql.application2:5432/postgres
      - name: quarkus.datasource.reactive.max-size
        value: "20"
      - name: quarkus.hibernate-orm.database.generation
        value: update
      - name: mp.messaging.incoming.mtx-event-in.connector
        value: smallrye-kafka
      - name: mp.messaging.incoming.mtx-event-in.enabled
        value: 'false'
      - name: mp.messaging.incoming.mtx-event-in.topic
        value: mdc-event # Configure Topic Name here
      - name: mp.messaging.incoming.mtx-event-in.key.deserializer
        value: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
      - name: mp.messaging.incoming.mtx-event-in.value.deserializer
        value: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
      - name: kafka.bootstrap.servers
        value: kafka:29092
      - name: quarkus.http.limits.max-body-size
        value: 1024M  

        ## One line for each revenue recognition due to breakage in the following format.
        ## - DeferredRevenueTxnType: BreakageAccountToCredit,BreakageTxnType
      - name: glConfiguration.breakageRevenueTxn.211
        value: A200211,101
      - name: glConfiguration.breakageRevenueTxn.212
        value: A200212,102
      - name: glConfiguration.breakageRevenueTxn.213
        value: A200213,103

        ## One line for each deferred revenue transaction in the following format.
        ## - DeferredRevenueTxnType: LiabilityAccountToDebit,PurchaseTxnType
      - name: glConfiguration.deferredRevenueTxn.111
        value: A100211,991
      - name: glConfiguration.deferredRevenueTxn.112
        value: A100211,992
      - name: glConfiguration.deferredRevenueTxn.113
        value: A100211,993

      - name: glPosting.aggregateByFields
        value: Account1,Account2,TxnType,GlCenter,Status,ConsumptionRecords,IsTaxIncluded,InitiatorExternalId,ExternalId,EventTypeArray,ProductOfferId,ProductOfferResourceId,City,PhoneNumber,CatalogItemId,CatalogItemExternalId
      - name: glPosting.exportFields
        value: Account1,Account2,TxnType,GlCenter,Status,Amount,ConsumptionRecords,IsTaxIncluded,InitiatorExternalId,ExternalId,EventTypeArray,ProductOfferId,ProductOfferResourceId,City,PhoneNumber,CatalogItemId,CatalogItemExternalId
      - name: glPosting.numEntryPerFile
        value: "2000"

        ## glPartitioning properties
      - name: glPartitioning.cronExpression
        value: "0 0 6 * * ?"
      - name: glPartitioning.retentionPeriod
        value: "6"

    # A list of arguments that will be passed into the applications start script
    args: [ ]
    #      -

    # An object representing the data portion of a ConfigMap which will be copied to /opt/mtx/conf
    configmap: { }
    #      mdc_custom.config: |-
    #        # Add your custom settings here

    # A list of Sideloader Docker images which will be 'unpacked' to the /sync directory of the Pods container
    sideloaders: [ ]
    #        # The name of the Sideloader Docker Image. This should exist in the Docker Image Registry defined above
    #      - name: mysideloader
    #        # The version (or tag) of the Sideloader Docker Image
    #        version: "1.0"
    #        # A comma separated list of directories to unpack from the Sideloader Docker Image into the /sync directory of the Pods container
    #        directoriesToUnpack: "/opt/mtx"

    #    remoteLocation:
    #      # The url where the configuration files will be downloaded from
    #      url:
    #      # The username to use if the URL is secured using BASIC Authentication
    #      username: username
    #      # The password to use if the URL is secured using BASIC Authentication. This value should be Base64 encoded
    #      password: cGFzc3dvcmQK  # Created using - echo "password" | base64

  # Configuration for the GL Processor Service
    # The Service type to use
    type: ClusterIP
    # The HTTP Port
    httpPort: 80
    # Any Annotations to add to the Service
    annotations: { }

  # Annotations which will be added to the GL Processor Pods
  podAnnotations: { }

  # The Security Context to apply to the Pod
    # The 'mtx' Group
    fsGroup: 1000

  # The Security Context to apply to the Pods main container
  securityContext: { }
  # runAsNonRoot: true
  # runAsUser: 1000

  # The Resources required/requested for the main Pod container
  resources: { }
  #   limits:
  #     cpu: 100m
  #     memory: 128Mi
  #   requests:
  #     cpu: 100m
  #     memory: 128Mi

  # The Node Selector configuration to restrict the GL Processor Pods to certain Nodes
  nodeSelector: { }

  # The Pod Tolerations to target the GL Processor Pods for schedule on certain Nodes
  tolerations: [ ]

  # The Affinity Rules for the GL Processor Pods to schedules them with or away from other Pods
  affinity: { }