Set MongoDB Connection String for General Ledger Utilities

Set the MongoDB connection string for General Ledger (GL) utilities to connect to your MongoDB system. If you use multi-tenancy, you must set connection strings for each MongoDB-based Event Repository.

About this task

When setting the connection string, the MongoDB server or instance to connect to is identified by a server address or a replica set. When a replica set is specified, by default, MongoDB connects GL utilities to the primary mongod in the replica set. The advantage of specifying a replica set instead of a specific server address is that when a failover occurs, the GL utilities automatically connect to the new primary mongod instance. For a sharded MongoDB deployment, only the server address of the mongos instance is specified.


  1. Connect to the host server on which the GL utilities run.
  2. Open the gl_processor.yaml and gl_posting.yaml properties files.
  3. For the dbServerAddress property in each file, set the connection string in the format:


    • host1:
      • For a non-sharded MongoDB deployment, the IP address or host name of the server where your MongoDB instances (mongod) run.
        • If only one server is specified, then host1 is the address of the server where the primary mongod runs.
        • If more than one server is specified, then host1 is the address of a server where one of the mongod instances in a replica set runs.
      • For a sharded cluster, the IP address or host name of the server where your mongos instance (MongoDB routing process) runs.
    • portx:
      Note: portx is optional. If a port is not provided, the default is :27017.
      • For a non-sharded MongoDB deployment, the port number on the server where a mongod instance runs.
      • For a sharded cluster, the port number on the server where your mongos instance runs.
    • name: The name of the replica set in which to connect.
    The following are example connection strings:
    • To connect to the local primary (mongod) running on port 27017:
      dbServerAddress: localhost:27017
      Important: The value localhost is only suitable for testing on an environment where the mongod runs on the same machine as the GL utility. If that is not your intended setup, do not use localhost.
    • To connect to the primary mongod on a remote server:
    • To connect to a replica set by passing a list of server addresses:
    • To connect to a replica set by passing a seed list and the name of the replica set:
    • To connect to a sharded cluster (connects to the host and port of the server where the mongos instance runs):
  4. To use a DNS seed list to connect to MongoDB, set the isDNSSeedList property to yes and set the dbServerAddress property to the seed list server.
  5. Define the tenants array information in the gl_processor.yaml and gl_posting.yaml properties files if required to support multi-tenancy.