Generate General Ledger Daily Summary Records using the GL Processor Utility

Run the gl_processor.jar utility to generate daily General Ledger (GL) summary records. The records show revenues that can be recognized on the specified GL date and show charge records for revenue that can be deferred (as defined by revenue recognition types defined in the MATRIXX Charging Application) on the specified GL date. The consumption quantity of liability assets (aggregated by balance template ID) is recorded.

Before you begin

The GL processor copies the following event fields into the journal entries in the GL database:
  • EventId
  • GlDate
  • GlCenter
  • AppliedOfferArray.ProductOfferIsTaxIncluded
  • AppliedOfferArray.ProductOfferTaxRate
  • AppliedOfferArray.ProductOfferTaxClassName
If there are more event fields you would like to save for each GL transaction, edit the value of the copyEventFields property in the gl_processor.yaml file.

This procedure assumes that you have set up the Event Repository and performed all required tasks to configure GL information processing.

About this task

Perform this task daily for every GL date after all MATRIXX events for the GL date have been loaded into the Event Repository.

Important: Run the gl_processor.jar utility for every GL date sequentially because the GL summary data for a GL date affects the GL processing for the next GL date. If GL processing for a particular GL date needs to be redone, then GL processing for all the subsequent GL dates must be rerun.


On the machine on which you run the gl_processor.jar utility, enter the following command:
java -jar gl_processor.jar glDate(yyyy-mm-dd) gl_processor.yaml [tenantId]
  • glDate(yyyy-mm-dd) is the GL date of all the MATRIXX events whose GL information is to be included in the daily summary record. The revenues that could be recognized for all wallets associated with this GL date are included in journal entries in the GL daily summary records.
  • gl_processor.yaml is the directory path of the configuration file the utility uses at runtime.
  • tenantId is the tenant Event Repository to process events.
For example:
java -jar /opt/mtx/bin/gl_processor.jar 2016-02-01 /opt/mtx/data/gl_processor.yaml


Running the gl_processor.jar utility generates GL summary data for the specified GL date. GL summary data are created and stored in the MtxGlDatabase database of your MongoDB system.