MEF Manual Publishing

You would manually publish MATRIXX Event Files (MEFs) if the MEF automatic publishing failed, SEFs or MEFs were deleted, or if during event streaming a SEF file was purged and must be recreated. You manually publish MEFs from SEF files for MATRIXX transaction log files using the create_event_files_from_txn_logs script. By default this script recovers events from transaction log files. However, if the transaction log files are no longer available, you can use the -k option to recover directly from SEF files. This might also be faster.


  1. Log into the server as a user with sudo permissions and change to user mtx.
    For example:

    ssh server_ip_address

    sudo su - mtx

  2. Go to the transaction log file directory.
  3. Run the create_event_files_from_txn_logs script.
    For details about the options, see the discussion about create_event_files_from_txn_logs. This example runs the script on the default engine, cluster, and blade, and specifies an output of MEF compact MDC format:
     create_event_files_from_transaction_logs -f MEFV2_CMDC
  4. Move the recovered MEFs to the publishing directory.


When MEF publishing completes successfully, the following message is displayed:
LM_INFO  26558|26558 2019-04-24 13:00:43.900087 [create_event_files_from_txn_logs_1:1:1:1(5110.61543)] | 
create_event_files_from_txn_logs::main: create_event_files_from_txn_logs completed successfully.  Processing time 4107 milliseconds