Pre-Active Purchased Item Cancelation

You can cancel a pre-active purchased item using the SubMan APIs. Offers that are canceled as the result of a status life cycle cancel action can include pre-active purchased items.

If a purchased item is canceled before it is activated, all cancelation components in the purchased item are applied. Because recurring processing does not occur for purchased items in a pre-active state, there are no prorated refunds and forfeitures when canceling a pre-active purchased item. For each canceled purchased item the MtxCancelEvent EDR includes the following fields:
  • PurchaseEventId —The event ID of the corresponding purchase event.
  • PreActiveState — A Boolean field that indicates if the purchased item is pre-active at the time of cancelation.

When the initial state of a purchased item is pre-active and no purchase grant is the target of charges, if the purchased item is never activated and is canceled, the revenue for the purchase charges has not been recognized at cancelation time. In this case, the revenue for purchase charges is recognized immediately on the date of cancelation. For more information about pre-active purchased item revenue recognition, see the discussion about activation revenue recognition in MATRIXX Integration.

SubMan APIs

You can use the SubMan APIs listed in SubMan ModifyOffer APIs to cancel a pre-active purchased item by changing the Status field to canceled (2). You cannot activate a purchased offer that is a part of a purchased bundle.

In the request to modify a purchased item, you can modify the purchased item cycle if the ModifyAllowed field in MtxPurchasedItemCycleInfo is true.

Table 1. SubMan ModifyOffer APIs
SubMan API Description
MtxRequestGroupModifyOffer Request that information about an existing purchased catalog item for a group is modified.
MtxRequestSubscriberModifyOffer Request that information about an existing purchased catalog item for a subscriber is modified.
MtxRequestDeviceModifyOffer Request that information about an existing purchased catalog item for a device is modified.

For more information about the SubMan APIs, see MATRIXX Subscriber Management API.