Create a Sponsorship Component

Add a sponsorship component to an offer. It includes a decision table that allows you to select a sponsorship profile. You can have one sponsorship component per product offer or many sponsorship components if they apply to different application types. This object can have revisions.


  1. In Sponsorship, select the Components tab.
  2. Click New Sponsorship Component.
  3. In Create New Sponsorship Component:
    1. In Name, enter a unique name.
    2. (Optional) In Description, enter descriptive information about the item.
    3. (Optional) In External ID, enter any alphanumeric character to serve as a unique ID on this pricing object. The external ID can be used for any reason that is meaningful to your implementation of MATRIXX Engine. External IDs are saved to the pricing configuration file and loaded into the Pricing database.
    4. In Application, select the application to which this component applies. Once it is set, the Application cannot be changed. Options are:
      • auto_renew
      • cancel
      • cycle_arrears_recurring
      • firstuse
      • purchase
      • purchased_item_activation
      • recurring
      • resume
      • suspend
      • usage
      Note: When sponsorship applies to usage, it is calculated for each rating event segment created.
    5. Click Create.
  4. In Start Date/Time, use the date picker to select the date on which the object becomes active in the Pricing database and is first available for use, or enter the date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Optionally, enter a time for when the object becomes active. The default start date/time is 2000–01–01 00:00:00. If applicable, the range in which the start date/time must fall is listed. For example:
    • Select a date on or before 2021–12–01.
    • Select a date on or after 2020–01–27.
    • Select a date between 2000–01–02 and 2021–10–04.
    Note: If you are creating a new revision of this object, the start date/time must be after the start date/time of the preceding revision and before the start date/time of the next revision. If you are making a copy of this object, the start date/time is not copied. The new object is the first revision, so it has the default start date/time of 2000–01–01 00:00:00.
  5. Depending on your selection from the Application menu in Create New Sponsorship Component, you must configure additional fields:
    • cycle_arrears_recurring — When sponsorship applies to cycle_arrears_recurring, you must set the Cycle. The option is Billing.
    • firstuse — When sponsorship applies to firstuse, you must set the Balance. Click Select Balance, select a balance, and click OK. For information about balances and balance tags, see the discussion about balances.
    • recurring — When sponsorship applies to recurring, you must set the Cycle. Options are Billing, Balance, and Purchased Item. If you set Cycle to Balance, click Balance and select the balance.
  6. Click Save.
  7. In Sponsorship Tables, click New Sponsorship Table.
  8. In Create New Sponsorship Table:
    1. In Name, enter a unique name.
    2. (Optional) In Description, enter descriptive information about the item.
    3. (Optional) In External ID, enter any alphanumeric character to serve as a unique ID on this pricing object. The external ID can be used for any reason that is meaningful to your implementation of MATRIXX Engine. External IDs are saved to the pricing configuration file and loaded into the Pricing database.
    4. Click Create.
  9. In Edit Sponsorship Table:
    1. In Default Result, select a sponsorship profile or SKIP.
    2. In the Decision Table pane:
      • To apply an existing decision table to the sponsorship component, click Select Decision Table, select a decision table, and click Select.
      • To apply a new decision table to the sponsorship component, click Create New Table.
      All changes in the Decision Table pane are automatically saved (effective immediately).
      Selecting between profiles requires a normalizer. For example, a closed user group normalizer where a user who is in the group receives 90% sponsorship versus a user who is not in the group receives 50% sponsorship.
      Note: Simple sponsorship components with only one row in the decision table do not require a normalizer to select a profile.
    3. Specify normalizers and sponsorship profiles as necessary.
    4. Click Save.
    A sponsorship component can reference more than one sponsorship table. Each table results in a different sponsor profile being applied to an operation. If you have more than one table defined, they cannot sponsor the same balance; this results in an error.
  10. Click Save to save changes to this sponsorship component.
  11. Click New Revision to create a new revision of this sponsorship component. New revisions are created with the start date set to the current date/time or the closest available date/time to today's date.