Display MEF Contents

Follow this procedure to view the contents of a MATRIXX Event File (MEF).

Before you begin

If the mtx user does not have read access to the shared storage directory, copy the mef.gz file onto the publishing server or pod and run the print_data_container_file.py script there.

About this task

If a MEF publishing target is not specified, MEFs are published to shared storage, stored in the ${MTX_SHARED_DIR}/event_files directory in compressed format. MEFs have the same names as the transaction log files from which their data was extracted, but have a .mef file extension instead of a .log extension, for example, transaction_1_1_1_1352494147_3.mef.gz. MEF file names include the timestamp for the earliest event, the GTC of the earliest event, and the GTC in the latest event, followed by the file extension for the selected output format, for example, mef_1553530371_10336_11074.xml.gz. Perform this task on the shared storage if MEFs are published there.


Run the following command. Replace MEFname with the name of the MEF:
kubectl exec -it engine_pod_name -n matrixx -- bash --login -c"print_data_container_file.py -f ${MTX_SHARED_DIR}/event_files/MEFname.mef.gz"


The contents of the file are returned.