Display MATRIXX Engine Logical Identifiers

Follow this procedure to display information about all logical components in a MATRIXX Engine installation.

About this task

Logical components include virtual servers, domains, engines, clusters, and logical servers. Information displayed for each server includes the role, IP address, logical and ID, transaction log directory, and configured ports. The information displayed for the load balancers includes the IP address, username, password, and all configured virtual servers. The information displayed for the virtual servers includes the fully qualified ID, IP address port, pool name, network protocol, purpose (as defined with the create_config.py script) and the virtual server type (VIP).

Note: The topology information is taken from the mtx_config.xml file, which is static and might not reflect the current high availability state of a cluster or the role of a server. To retrieve the current server roles and engine HA state, see the discussion about displaying server roles and the HA state of an engine.


Run the following command to list all physical and logical component identifiers in a MATRIXX Engine installation:
kubectl exec -it engine_pod_name -n matrixx -- bash --login -c