Create a Currency Code

Create currency codes in the system so that pricing administrators can select a currency code when creating a currency balance class.

Before you begin

Obtain the list of ISO currency codes. You can check the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) website for the official list. For your convenience, a list of ISO currency codes as of 2015 is provided in this help. See the discussion about ISO currency codes.


  1. In Currency Codes, click New Currency Code.
  2. In Number, enter the ISO numeric code of the currency.
    For example, for the Indian Rupee, enter 356.
  3. In Description, enter the description of the currency. For example, Indian Rupee.
  4. In Alphabetic Code, enter the three-letter ISO alphabetical code. For example, for the Indian Rupee, enter INR.
  5. Click Create.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Commit the currency code to the pricing repository.


The next time a pricing administrator starts a My MATRIXX session and updates his or her user workspace, the currency codes will be displayed in the My MATRIXX New Balance Class dialog box.