Billing Profile Templates
The bill cycle specification associated with a subscription is retrieved from a predefined billing profile template in the subscription's wallet. The template is created as part of pricing configuration and forces all bill cycle pricing associated with the subscription to be applied with the same cycle settings. Each wallet can contain only one billing profile template, which defines the bill cycle specifications.
The billing profile template defines a periodic cycle used by MATRIXX Engine that, in addition to subscription-specific data, defines the billing cycle.
Notification profiles can be configured to send a notification if recurring processing associated with a billing profile fails because a subscription or group has recurring charges and insufficient funds or credit to pay. Notification profiles can also be configured to send advance notifications for recurring processing, recurring processing failure, automatic recurring recharges, and cycle arrears recurring charges.
System administrators configure billing profile templates during pricing configuration (as part of creating application configuration components).
For information about using the SubMan APIs to change a billing cycle, see MATRIXX Subscriber Management API.