Deploy a US Tax Compilation

After a US tax data file has been imported and compiled, deploy the US tax compilation onto the engine.

Before you begin

You must have the Deploy Tax Domain role to deploy US tax data to the engine, and you must import US tax data. For more information about importing US tax data, see the discussion about importing tax.
Note: Deployment is only supported between an engine and a US tax compilation that have compatible system and provider schema versions as follows:
  • The engine's system schema version and the US tax compilation's system schema version must match.
  • The engine's provider schema version must be equal to or later than the US tax compilation's provider schema version.
For more information about deployment schema versions, see the discussion about disabling schema validation in MATRIXX Web App Administration.


  1. Log into My MATRIXX with your username and password.
  2. Under Pricing Construction / Loading, click Manage Engine Connections.
  3. Select the engine where the US tax compilation will be deployed.
    The Edit Engine Connection page displays the Deploy Price Compilations and Deploy US Taxes tabs.
  4. Click the Deploy US Taxes tab, and click Choose A US Tax To Deploy.
  5. In Choose A US Tax to Deploy, click the tax compilation to deploy to the engine. Only completed compilations on the current domain can be selected for deployment; only those compilations imported by the logged in user display.
  6. Click Deploy. The selected compilation is added to the list of deployments.
    Note: Deploy is greyed out until you select a tax compilation.
  7. Click Refresh to update the list of compilations.
  8. (Optional) Click View Details in the Actions column to view detailed information about deployed tax compilations with a Deployed Status of completed or error.
  9. To delete a US tax deployment, click Delete the selected object, and click Yes to confirm the deletion.