Create an Engine Connection

Create the domain's engine connections before deploying pricing compilations and US taxes.

Before you begin

You must have the Manage Engine Connections domain user role.


  1. Open a web browser and enter the following URL to open My MATRIXX, where hostname is the name or IP address of the My MATRIXX pod:
  2. Log into My MATRIXX.
  3. Under Pricing Construction / Loading, click Manage Engine Connections.
  4. To view the configuration of an existing engine connection, in the table, either click the name of the engine or Manage under the Actions column to display its corresponding Edit Engine Connection page.
  5. To add a new engine connection, click Create a New Engine Connection.
  6. In Create New Engine:
    1. In Name, enter a unique name.
    2. (Optional) In Description, enter descriptive information about its purpose.
    3. In Ip Address (:port), enter the IP address and port number of the engine seperated by a colon. For example, If no port number is provided, 4044 is used by default.
      Note: Engine connections are domain-based. The IP address and port of one engine connection on one domain can be the same as a different engine connection on a different domain.
    4. Click Create.
    The Edit Engine Connection page displays the Deploy Price Compilations and Deploy US Taxes tabs. Use these tabs to deploy from the current domain. For information about these properties, see the discussion about deployment properties.
  7. In Edit Engine Connection, edit the engine's type, name, description, and IP address as needed and click Save, which is disabled if you do not have the Manage Engine Connections domain user role.
  8. Click Refresh Status to update the list of compilations.