Beat Definition Properties

Beat definitions listed in Beat Definition Properties are only used in My MATRIXX and are not compiled into the service context directly. The information is used to populate the available beats that can be used in a price component's rate table.

Table 1. Beat Definition Properties
Property Description
ID The system-generated ID used to look up the beat value.
Name A descriptive name for the beat. For example, to charge subscribers for phone calls on a five-second increment, the beat might be named "5 Seconds."
Type The event measurement unit type: duration, volume, or none. None applies to events of a fixed quantity.
Quantity Multiple The quantity amount at which to apply the beat. The value must be a positive integer.
Quantity Units The measurement unit of the beat. The unit is dependent on the quantity type of the event, but not the quantity unit of the event. For example, the event might be measured in megabytes, but the beat can be applied for a number of bytes. If the event has a Quantity Units value of none, the beat Units value must also be none.