Event Streaming Framework Notification Process
You can select to generate MtxNotificationDoneEvent events without delivering end-user notifications. Generate notifications as events in real-time using the Event Streaming Framework, and data is recorded in the event in OpenAPI-JSON format. Events are securely streamed from the Event Streaming Framework to the Kafka Broker using TLSv1.2.
Through this process, notifications that bypass the Notification Framework are deemed successful, and the engine generates an MtxNotificationDoneEvent. Customize the Event Streaming Framework configuration options in the mtx_event_streamer.properties file. This method relies on an external system that retrieves the MtxNotificationDoneEvent events from the Kafka Broker and delivers the notification(s).
For more information, see the discussion about Event Streaming Framework properties and examples in MATRIXX Event Streaming.
- Instead of sending notifications, notifications are generated as events and sent to the Streaming Server.
- The events are then delivered in real-time using the Event Streaming Framework to the Kafka Broker.
- The engine generates an MtxNotificationDoneEvent event.
connector: kafka-connector
topic: allevents_second
format: json
- Name: EventType
Value: MtxNotificationDoneEvent
- Name: NotificationType
Value: "$NotificationType"
- Name: EventType
Value: MtxPurchaseEvent
- Name: Info
Value: "$Info"
bootstrap.servers: localhost:9092
acks: all
retries: 0
value.serializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
key.serializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer