Notification Components
Notification messaging involves multiple components that work together to publish and receive JMS messages.
Notification messaging includes the following
MATRIXX Engine — Generates notification messages. Note: For multi-engine environments, the Notification Framework supports multiple ActiveMQ queue pairs (request, response).
- The Notification Server — An application that receives
notification messages from MATRIXX Engine, formats the message based on the message type,
and then delivers it to the configured delivery channel. For push notifications, the Notification Server provides an outbound messaging route for both:
- Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) for handling APNs messages based on subscriber and platform preferences.
- Google Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for handling FCM messages based on subscriber and platform preferences.
- A message broker — Apache ActiveMQ implements Java Message Service (JMS) and handles messages sent from MATRIXX Engine. For more information about software requirements, see the discussion about system requirements in MATRIXX Release Notes.
- Clients — Custom applications (JAVA, REST, and so forth) that retrieve messages from the message broker. A sample notification client is provided in both binary and source code format.
- RS Gateway — Handles SubMan calls from the Notification Server when a notification message requires information.
- SNMP — The SNMP Agent and MATRIXX statistics scripts require the net-snmp-utils package to collect statistics.
For information about enabling the Notification Server, see the discussion about enablement in MATRIXX Installation and Upgrade.