Remove Custom MDCs

Custom MATRIXX data containers (MDCs) that you create during MATRIXX Engine configuration are defined in the mdc_config_custom.xml file. You can remove a custom MDC file so that the MDCs are not available in My MATRIXX.


  1. Open a web browser and enter the following URL to open My MATRIXX, where hostname is the name or IP address of the My MATRIXX pod:
  2. Log into My MATRIXX.
  3. Under Administration, click Custom Data Container.
  4. In Remove Custom Data Container, click Remove.
  5. Click Yes to confirm the removal.
    A dialog box indicates the removal was successful.
  6. Commit the changes to the pricing repository.
    You must commit the changes so that the custom MDCs are loaded if you restart My MATRIXX and to make the custom MDCs available to all My MATRIXX users. For more information, see the discussion about committing changes to the pricing repository.
  7. Restart My MATRIXX.