File System Configuration

You can use the configuration parameters in to configure the MATRIXX Engine directories. These directories hold data required for system configuration, runtime processing, and recovery operations.

File System Configuration Parameters lists the information required to configure the MATRIXX Engine file system.

For more information about the MATRIXX environment variables, see the discussion about container directories and environment variables in MATRIXX Installation and Upgrade.

Table 1. File System Configuration Parameters
Parameter Description Default Value
Install Directory The directory where binaries, libraries, data files, configuration files, and supporting programs are installed. The file path is defined as the ${MTX_DIR} environment variable in the .mtx_bashrc file. /opt/mtx
Transaction Log Directory The directory where transaction logs and shadow transaction logs are saved on the processing server SSDs and where transaction logs and checkpoint files and MATRIXX Event Files (MEFs) are saved on the publishing server SSD. The publishing server also moves MEFs to an Event Loader input file on its local SSD. The file path is defined as the ${MTX_TXN_LOG_DIR} environment variable in the .mtx_bashrc file. question: Do you want to use the default transaction log directory (y/n)?

Important: Answer n to the question and enter the directory identified in the /etc/fstab file, for example, /mnt/mtx/txn_logs. All servers should be configured to use the same partition. See the discussion about configuring storage devices for more information.
Shared Archive Directory The partition on the shared storage that is configured as the shared archive directory for the publishing servers. This is where replayed transaction log files and checkpoints are saved. If MEF publishing is not enabled, MEFs are saved here also. question: Do you want to use the default directory for archiving transaction log files and checkpoints (y/n)?

The default directory is /var/log/mtx/shared.

Important: Answer n to the question and enter the directory identified in the /etc/fstab file, for example, /mnt/mtx/shared. All servers should be configured to use the same partition. See the discussion about configuring engine storage devices for more information.
System Log Directory The directory where system logs are saved. The file path is defined as the ${MTX_LOG_DIR} environment variable in the .mtx_bashrc file. /var/log/mtx
Core File Directory The directory where core files are saved if a server stops unexpectedly. /var/lib/systemd/coredump
Process ID (PID) File Directory The directory where the MATRIXX Engine writes files that indicate the ID of the MATRIXX processes currently running. /var/run/mtx
RPM Directory The directory where MATRIXX RPM files are stored. /var/mtx
Work File Directory The directory where files required for a running instance of the MATRIXX Engine are stored. /var/mtx
Monitor Local Disk Space You can configure the low disk space threshold for monitoring. The threshold can be a percentage of the total disk space or it can be an absolute value in megabytes. If only one of the following properties is configured and the threshold is less than the configured value, an error is logged. If both properties are configured and the threshold is less than the values for both properties, an error is logged. Enter zero (0) for both values to disable threshold monitoring. question: What is the minimum free local disk space threshold in percent? question: What is the minimum free local disk space threshold in MB?

10% or 10GB