Engine Configuration

You can use the configuration parameters in create_config.py to identify the domain and customer sub-domains in your configuration, including identifying the engines, clusters, servers, IP addresses, multi-cast information, and network interfaces.

For environments being configured with multiple sites for high availability, the script asks all questions for the one site before asking questions for each site. It also asks questions for each cluster in an engine.

Engine Configuration Parameters lists information required to configure an engine.

Attention: You can also configure an extra parameter using a sed file line to avoid a standby engine processing cluster shutdown when the publishing cluster is down. See Standby Engine Publishing Cluster Restart for more information.
Table 1. Engine Configuration Parameters
Parameter Description Default Value
Domain ID A numeric ID for the domain of your MATRIXX environment.

A domain provides complete pricing and configuration separation from other potential MATRIXX environments in their own domains, such as in multi-tenancy or testing situations.

create_config.info question: What is your domain ID?

A domain is identified by a positive integer from 1-64.

Domain Description One or two words describing the domain.

create_config.info question: Domain 1:What is the description for this domain?

Domain 1
Sub-Domain IDs A numeric ID for each sub-domain in your MATRIXX environment.

A customer sub-domain is a subscriber-base segment (or shard) that is processed by a given engine chain. Customer sub-domains are implemented for engine scalability. A customer sub-domain is a single logical entity that represents the associated data definitions and pricing that the MATRIXX Engine uses to perform online charging system (OCS) processing for a set of subscribers.

Note: Each engine must have at least one customer sub-domain specified (even if you do not implement multiple customer sub-domains in your MATRIXX environment).

create_config.info question: Domain 1:What are your sub-domain IDs?

A customer sub-domain is identified by a positive integer from 1–64.

Sub-Domain Description One or two words describing the sub-domain. This question is asked for each sub-domain identified.

create_config.info question: Domain 1:SubDomain 1:What is the description for this sub-domain?

SubDomain 1
MATRIXX Engine IDs A numeric ID for each engine in the sub-domain, listed with semi-colons. This question is asked when configuring each sub-domain. Each engine must have a unique ID across the entire domain, not just across a sub-domain.

create_config.info question: Domain 1:SubDomain 1: What are the engine IDs for this sub-domain?


Enter 1;2 for a sub-domain containing two engines.

MATRIXX Engine Description One or two words describing the first engine identified, which resides in the Main site. If the installation has multiple engines, the script prompts the user for this information again for each engine, after configuring the rest of the information for the first engine.

create_config.info question: Engine 1:What is the description for this engine?

Engine 1
MATRIXX Engine Site ID The site IDs to assign to the Engine ID.

create_config.info question: Engine 1:What is the site ID for this engine?

Cluster IDs A numeric ID for each cluster that is unique to an engine. Each engine must contain one processing cluster and one publishing cluster.

create_config.info question: Engine 1:What are your cluster IDs?

Cluster Type The operation performed by the cluster: processing or publishing.

create_config.info question: Engine 1:Cluster 1:What is the type of this cluster?

External Diameter Virtual Service Address The IP address and port for the Traffic Routing Agent virtual server handling Diameter packets to and from the engine.

create_config.info question: Engine 1:Cluster 1:What is the external diameter virtual service address used on this cluster?
MDC Gateway Virtual Service Address The IP address and port for the Traffic Routing Agent virtual server handling customer management traffic. This value must match the value configured for the Traffic Routing Agent.

create_config.info question: Engine 1:Cluster 1:What is the mdc gateway virtual service address used on this cluster?
Internal MDC Virtual Service Address The IP address and port for the Traffic Routing Agent virtual server handling MDC-based replay traffic (used in disaster-recovery engine chain configurations). This value must match the value configured for the Traffic Routing Agent. This virtual server routes replay messages that come from the MDC Gateway.

create_config.info question: Engine 1:Cluster 1: What is the internal mdc virtual service address used on this cluster?
Cluster: Logical Server IDs A relative number to identify the total number of logical servers in the first cluster. For example, if this is a processing cluster that has 3 servers, enter, "1;2;3". Do not accept the default (1), which results in only one server in the cluster.

create_config.info question: Engine 1:Cluster 1: What are your logical blade IDs?

Cluster: Server IDs Each logical server must be mapped to a server ID, defined in the engine configuration section. The script will list the possible values entered and the user must enter one for each logical server.

create_config.info question: Engine 1:Cluster 1:LogicalBlade 1:What is the server ID?

Publishing Server(s): Logical server VIP interface Each logical publishing server must specify the interface for the publishing cluster VIP to use.

create_config.info question: Engine 2:Cluster 2:LogicalBlade 1:What interface do you want to use for the publishing VIP blade publishing interface?

Publishing Server(s): VIP address Each logical publishing server must specify the address for the publishing cluster VIP to use.

create_config.info question: Engine 1:Cluster 2: What address do you want to use for the publishing VIP blade?
Shared Memory Setting Each logical publishing server requires shared memory for its databases.

create_config.info question: Engine 2:Cluster 2:LogicalBlade 1:What is the shared memory size in MB on publishing server to use?

Publishing Cluster: Logical Server Address You must specify a VIP address for the publishing server cluster. Create this VIP address (VipData1) for nfs-mounting the shared storage from procesing and checkpointing clusters. You can run the configure_vip.py -C vip script on engine and server servers to confirm that the VIP address is not already being used.

create_config.info question: Engine 1:Cluster 2:LogicalBlade 1:What address do you want to use for the publishing VIP blade?

Port Numbers For each logical server in a cluster, the script prompts the user to set port numbers for communications across the cluster. Accepting the defaults is recommended for all ports except the Cluster Management CLI, which is dependent on the Traffic Routing Agent configuration value. The recommended value is 4800, which is NOT the default value.

create_config.info question: Do you want to specify port numbers on a global basis (y/n)?

For the list of ports that need to be set, see the discussion about port configuration.
Peer Connect Timeout For each processing cluster, specify the peer connect timeout value. This is the amount of time to wait when one processing server cannot communicate with the other processing server and determines it has failed.

create_config.info question: What is the peer connect timeout value (in seconds) in dual blade mode do you want to use?

Cluster Management Virtual Service Address Each cluster requires a cluster control VS for routing Cluster Manager monitoring and control traffic to the appropriate node. The answer must be the address of a cluster management virtual server in the VIP_address:port format.

Cluster Manager validates the answer to this question.

create_config.info question: Engine 1:Cluster 1:What is the cluster management virtual service address used on this cluster?

This value is dependent on site configuration.
Shared Directory Location The log directory location. All engines can share the same directory or each engine can specify a different engine.

create_config.info question: Do you want to use the same directory for archiving transaction log files and checkpoints on all Engines (y/n)?

If you answer yes (y) to specify the same directory for all engines, you must answer the following location to identify the directory.

create_config.info question: What directory do you want to use for archiving transaction log files and checkpoints?

If you answer no (n) to specify a different directory for each engine, you must answer the following question for each engine to identify the directory (where "e" specifies the engine number).

create_config.info question: Engine e:What directory do you want to use for archiving transaction log files and checkpoints?

Virtual Servers The processing and publishing clusters require the following virtual servers (VS):
  • Processing cluster: External Diameter VS, MDC Gateway VS, Internal MDC VS, SNMP VS, and cluster control VS.
  • Publishing cluster: Internal MDC VS, SNMP VS, and cluster control VS.
No Default Values
Load Balancer IDs An alphanumeric ID that is unique to the load balancer. Two load balancer IDs are required: LB1 for the processing cluster, and LB1_PUB for the publishing cluster.

create_config.info question: Site HP6_sd1:W What are your load balancer IDs?

HTTP Price Controller Port The port used by the HTTP Price Controller REST service. This service must be running before you can load a pricing compilation onto an engine using My MATRIXX..

create_config.info question: What port number do you want to use for the HTTP Price Controller?


Standby Engine Publishing Cluster Restart

You can use the pub_restart_for_last_standby_engine_enabled SED line to avoid a standby engine processing cluster shutdown when the publishing cluster is down and the standby engine is the last engine in a chain. For example, in a two-engine chain, (E1–>E2), the second (standby) engine (E2) processing cluster does not shut down when the publishing cluster goes down.

Similarly, pub_restart_for_last_standby_engine_disabled disables this feature.