Configure Additional Voice Charging Service

Perform this task to configure an additional voice charging service.

About this task


  1. Go to the ${MTX_CUSTOM_DIR} directory:
  2. Open the file with a text editor and change the answer to the question How many additional voice services do you wish to create? to 1 or more.
  3. Save and close the file.
  4. Run the script as user mtx and answer the following Camel Gateway:VCS Additional 1: questions:
    What is the name identifier of the Voice service?
    Do you wish to charge calls to this service?
    Do you want to send CallInformationRequest to monitor calls for this service (y/n)?
    What charging Service ID should be used for this service?
    What requested time in seconds should be used for this service?
    Reauthorize charge on answer for this service (y/n)?
    Do you wish to enable relay sccp for the service?
    Honor no charge request on call answer for this service (y/n)?n
    Should ReleaseCall be sent on receipt of ERBCSM(EDP anything except answer,request) for CAP2 and CAP3(y/n)?n
    What no answer timeout in seconds do you want for this service?
    What is the interval in seconds between sending ActivityTest operations for uncharged calls for this
    What is the activity test response timeout in seconds for this service?
     Should ActivityTest be sent for CS1 INAP or CAP 1 timed calls for this service (y/n)?y
    What is the default correlation ID length for this service?
    Do you want to play announcements for this service?
    Do you want to play announcements for forwarded calls in this service (y/n)?
    If any announcements fail during this service should the call be released (y/n)?n
    Should ResetTimer be sent when playing announcements (y/n)?y
    Should ResetTimer be sent when running scripts (y/n)?y
    What should bothwayThroughConnectionInd be set to in ConnectToResource and EstablishTemporaryConnection operations for this
    Do you want the caller to hear a tone shortly before the call is cut off due to insufficient funds for this service
    How many redirections are allowed in this service?
    Enter list of numbers to be treated as emergency numbers in this service?
    Do you wish to support service based call forwarding for this service?n
    Do you wish to search for TSAN's in the InitialDP (y/n)?
    Do you want to send FurnishChargingInformation for this service (y/n)?n
    Which custom MDC type should be used for the AChBillingCharacteristics type for CS1 INAP for this service?None 
     Which custom MDC type should be used for the CallResult type for CS1 INAP for this service?None 
    Do calls to this service use the CS1 INAP protocol (y/n)?n
    What subscriber sources are required for this service?
    What TCAP transaction prearranged-end behavior is required for this SMS service?
    What Destination Routing Address prefix is required for this service?
    What rule set should be used for number (de)normalization for this service?default
    What pre call initiation delay in seconds do you want for this service?
    How many tries do you want for the call initiation a_party for this service?
    Do you want to add a session limit service id for this service?n
    Do you want to add a call initiation session limit service id for this service?n
    Do you want to add call initiation release cause values in this service?n
    For descriptions of configuration properties for additional voice charging services, see the discussion about voice service configuration.
    Note: You can configure the service to relay incoming messages to another platform if the subscriber cannot be found in the MATRIXX subscriber database. For information, see the discussion about how to configure relay sccp address for a service.
  5. Specify the number of selectors for the service by answering the following question:
    How many selectors do you wish to create for this service?

    A selector defines criteria for selecting the service. You must configure one or more selectors for each additional voice charging service.

  6. For each selector, answer the following questions:
    Selector 1:What is the calling SCCP global title prefix for this selector?
    Selector 1:What is the calling SCCP point code for this selector?
    What is the SCCP Subsystem number for this selector?
    What is the TCAP Application Context for this selector?
    Selector 1:What is the IDP Service Key for this selector?
    Selector 1:What is the IDP Event Detection Point for this selector?
    For descriptions of configuration properties for service selectors, see the discussion about service selector configuration.
  7. Restart MATRIXX Engine: