Query Usage Consumption Examples
The following scenarios show example requests for usage consumption data and the resulting responses.
When requesting usage consumption data for a subscription, the subscription must
exist in the MATRIXX database. In addition, the following rules apply to the request
- In the request body, include only a searchCriteria object that has only a service array within it.
- The service array must not be empty. It can have a size of between one and 10 objects.
- Each object in the service array must contain exactly one unique ID. The ID must follow the MATRIXX objectId format and it must be able to retrieve a MATRIXX subscription.
If the request is invalid, an error is reported in the request response and no data
is returned. Examples of invalid requests are:
- Queries on subscriptions with duplicate IDs.
- Queries on subscriptions using an invalid ID.
- Queries on subscriptions that do not exist in the Subscriber database.
- Queries on unsupported fields.