TMF632 Party Management API

The TMF party management API supported by MATRIXX provides a standardized mechanism for party management for creating, updating, retrieving, and deleting individual and organization information.

A party can be an individual or an organization that has any kind of relation with the enterprise, where:
  • An individual represents a single person who can be a customer, an employee, or any other person that the organization needs to store information about.
  • An organization represents a group of people with shared interests or purpose such as a business, a department, or an enterprise.
The TMF Gateway supports the following TMF party management API REST operations:
  • POST — Create an individual or organization.
  • GET — Retrieve information about an individual or organization.
  • GET — List a collection of individuals or organizations that match specified criteria.
  • PATCH — Update an existing individual or organization.
  • DELETE — Delete an existing individual or organization.
The operations are performed on custom extensions to the MtxUserExtension MATRIXX Data Container (MDC).
You can query individual or organization information using prefix ExternalIDs and ObjectIDs. For example, the API path supports:
  • api/{objectId}
  • api/ExternalId-{externalid}
  • api/ObjectId-{objectid}
If no prefix is added, the query returns the object ID without prefix by default.

For a detailed specification of the TMF Party Management API, see the TM Forum Specification, Party Management API REST Specification, TMF632 release 19.0.0.