TMF640 Service Activation and Configuration API

The TMF640 service activation and configuration API supported by MATRIXX provides a standardized mechanism for configuring and activating subscription services.

Use TMF640 service activation and configuration API operations for managing customer subscriptions, for example, to purchase, modify, or cancel product offers.

The TMF Gateway supports the following TMF640 service activation and configuration API REST operations:
  • POST — Create a subscription.
  • GET — Retrieve subscription data such as the subscription profile.
  • PATCH — Purchase product offers.
  • PATCH — Update the relationships associated with a subscription, for example, to add or remove users, groups, and devices.
  • PATCH — Update a subscription, for example, to update the bill cycle.
  • PATCH — Suspend and resume subscription offers.
  • DELETE — Terminate a subscription.
You can query customer subscription information using prefix ExternalIDs and ObjectIDs. For example, the API path supports:
  • api/{objectId}
  • api/ExternalId-{externalid}
  • api/ObjectId-{objectid}
If no prefix is added, the query returns the object ID without prefix by default.

For a detailed specification of the TMF640 Service Activation Configuration API, see the TM Forum Specification, Service Activation and Configuration API User Guide, TMF640 release 4.0.0.