Estimate Recurring Charges

The recurring charge API returns an estimate of the recurring charges and grants for all the upcoming balance cycles or the billing cycle for a given group.

The estimated recurring charges and grants can be used to avoid recurring processing failure as a result of insufficient funds.

The response returned in MtxResponseRecurringChargeInfo is broken down by cycle. For each cycle, there is a list of impacted balances, impact amounts and impact types (such as charge, tax, grant, and so forth).

Recurring charges and grants for each upcoming balance or billing cycle are estimated according to the state of the wallet when the call is issued and the revisions of purchased offers at the beginning of each upcoming balance or billing cycle. Estimated recurring charges are not returned if an upcoming balance cycle is not in the window of a periodic balance. For more information about periodic balance windows, see the discussion about sliding windows for periodic balances and meters in MATRIXX Pricing and Rating.