- Deprecated Service APIs
The Service APIs listed here are deprecated.
- GET /service/device/{SearchTerm:.+}
This custom device query method provides enhanced details about a device.
- POST /service/device/{SearchTerm:.+}/rating/simulate
This service simulates usage.
- POST /service/device/{SearchTerm:.+}/rating/start
This service starts a rating service.
- POST /service/device/{SearchTerm:.+}/rating/stop
This service stops a rating request that was initiated by the start rating service.
- PUT /service/device/{SearchTerm:.+}/rating/update
This service gets update info of the rating request that was initiated by the start rating service.
- GET /service/group/{SearchTerm:.+}
Custom group query service. This rest call provides an extended group query service which includes detail information about the wallet.
- PUT /service/group/{SearchTerm:.+}/add_members
This service implements an add to a group taking a document with arrays of query terms.
- GET /service/group/{SearchTerm:.+}/memberbalance/{ResourceId}
This service searches for virtual balances tied to the group balance. You provide the group and the ResourceId for the parent balance. The API will look at members and subgroups of the group and return the top used balances tied to the parent balance. The API will return a partial set of information if there are more than one page of members or subgroups in the group. You can specify a single querySize that will be used to determine how many members and subgroups will be returned. A cursor from a previous query can be specified to continue retrieval.
- PUT /service/group/{SearchTerm:.+}/remove_members
This service implements a remove from a group taking a document with arrays of query terms.
- GET /service/group/{SearchTerm:.+}/subgroups
This service returns the sub groups of a given group. querySize=xx: An optional request parameter querySize (default is 0=system default) can be specified that determines the number of records returned per call. queryCursor=yy: If the query results do not fit in a single response, a QueryCursor is included in the response. If the cursor is NULL or 0 you are at the end. You can retrieve the subsequent pages of a response by calling this URL again but specifying a queryCursor parameter on the url.
- GET /service/group/{SearchTerm:.+}/subscriptions
This service returns the subscribers that are direct members of the group. querySize=xx: An optional request parameter querySize (default is 0 which means use the system default) can be specified that determines the number of records returned per call. queryCursor=yy: If the query results do not fit in a single response, a QueryCursor is included in the response. If the cursor is NULL or 0 you are at the end. You can retrieve the subsequent pages of a response by calling this URL again but specifying a queryCursor parameter on the url.
- GET /service/group/{SearchTerm:.+}/wallet/{ResourceId}/composite_meter
This service collects composite data for the specified group.
- GET /service/multiquery
This service searches for entity objects in the MATRIXX realtime object database. Allowable search criteria for subscribers, groups, subscriptions, users and/or devices can be specified. The response is the embellished response objects provided via the extended services of the RS Gateway.
- GET /service/subDomains
Custom query method provides list of configured subdomains.
- POST /service/subscription
This service creates a device and a subscription and associate them both together.
- GET /service/subscription/{SearchTerm:.+}
This extended subscription query service returns complete details about the subscription including the wallet and detailed information about the subscription.
- POST /service/subscription/{SearchTerm:.+}/device
This service creates a device that is associated with the subscriber. Will read an MtxRequestDeviceCreate message from post data and submit it to the engine.
- DELETE /service/subscription/{SearchTerm:.+}/device/{DeviceTerm:.+}
This service removes a device from a subscriber object and then deletes it.
- POST /service/subscription/{SearchTerm:.+}/deviceandoffer
This service creates a device to associate with the existing subscriber. Will also purchase any offers passed in for the subscriber.
- GET /service/subscription/{SearchTerm:.+}/groups
This service implements the retrieval of the groups to which this subscriber belongs. querySize=xx: An optional request parameter querySize (default is 0=system default) can be specified that determines the number of records returned per call. queryCursor=yy: If the query results do not fit in a single response, a QueryCursor is included in the response. If the cursor is NULL or 0 you are at the end. You can retrieve the subsequent pages of a response by calling this URL again but specifying a queryCursor parameter on the url.
- GET /service/subscription/{SearchTerm:.+}/wallet/{ResourceId}/composite_meter
This service collects composite data for specified subscription.
- DELETE /service/user/{SearchTerm:.+}/subscription/{SubscriptionTerm:.+}
Remove a subscription from a user object and then delete it
- POST /service/user
This service creates a user, subscription, device and associates them all together. You can also buy subscription offers in this call. Note that you cannot buy device-level offers using this call; only subscription-level offers.
- POST /service/user/{SearchTerm:.+}/subscription
This service creates a subscription that is associated with the user. It reads an MtxRequestSubscriptionCreateBasic message from post data and submits it to the engine.
- PUT /service/user/{SearchTerm:.+}
Modify a user and auth data
- PUT /service/user/{SearchTerm:.+}/authentication
This service modifies user authentication data. RS Gateway encodes the password before saving it in the database. Because the main purpose of this method is to encode the password, the password is required.
- PUT /service/user/{SearchTerm:.+}/authentication/verify
This service checks if user data matches with the one saved in the engine. This service will take in Password as required and LoginId as optional. If both are provided both have to match. If only Password is provided only password has to match. Return value will be the AuthData object (including Roles) of that subscriber. This service will work off the encoded password so the passed in value will be encoded before we compare it with the stored value.
- PUT /service/user/{SearchTerm:.+}/password
This service modifies a user's password. You must pass in the old password value to check whether it is a match with existing password in the database, before setting the new password. The method will handle the compare and persistence using the defined password encoder.