
Request to add a threshold to a specified balance or meter in a group wallet. The threshold overrides any thresholds that were set in the template definitions in My MATRIXX.

REST Example

The number of thresholds allowed, the threshold IDs, and threshold characteristics, such as whether the threshold is a credit limit, and an absolute value, or a percentage, are statically defined in the balance or meter template definition in My MATRIXX. This API call can change the threshold value, name, and state of any unlocked threshold on a group balance. In addition, you can define threshold-triggered auto recharge and specify if an event is generated when the threshold is crossed. Any existing custom threshold present is overwritten. To set the threshold as a credit limit, the ThresholdId must refer to a threshold created in My MATRIXX with the Credit Limit flag set. To set the credit limit to infinity (no threshold), set the Amount value to INFINITY.
Note: When an AddThreshold or RemoveThreshold SubMan API is called to add, modify, or remove a threshold for a subscriber or group, an MtxBalanceThresholdModifyEvent event is generated. The action field indicates the type of change.
  • "add_threshold" (1) — This is the action the first time the threshold is replaced.
  • "remove_threshold" (2) — This is the action when the threshold is removed.
  • "modify_threshold" (3) — This is the action after the threshold is overwritten the first time.
PUT http://host:port/rsgateway/data/v3/group/<Group OID>/wallet/12/thresholds
Request XML
            <Name>You have reached 80% of your Streaming limit</Name>
    <ResultText>Threshold set</ResultText>