Use Kubernetes Secrets for RS Gateway TLS Certificates

A TLS certificate can be retrieved from a Kubernetes secret and the certificate is automatically extracted, a keystore is generated, and the contents are added to the /sync/certs directory.

Before you begin

Create the Kubernetes secret.

Confirm your namespace. This is usually matrixx for MATRIXX installations. You must create the secret before loading the MATRIXX Helm chart.


  1. Enable Kubernetes secrets for RS Gateway with the following configuration in the RS Gateway sub-chart:
          secretName: "" 
  2. Apply the configuration and restart RS Gateway with a command similar to the following:
    helm upgrade ag1 matrixx/matrixx --namespace matrixx-webapps-gateways -f matrixx-webapps-gateways_values.yaml --version 5270

    Where matrixx-webapps-gateways_values.yaml is a Helm values file that enables RS Gateway.