TMF Gateway Security

TMF Gateway supports HTTP authentication through a configurable authorization URL.

Customers define the authorization URL of the authorization server they want to use for authorizing TMF requests in the tmf-values.yaml configuration file.

TMF Gateway authorizes requests as follows:
  1. At every request passed to the TMF microservice, performs a call to the authorization server to validate the access token provided in the request authorization headers.
  2. Appends the access token to the authorization URL.
  3. If the authorization server responds with 200, the request is allowed. Otherwise, the request is rejected as unauthorized (401).
  4. If the URL of the authorization server is not defined, then all requests are allowed.
This excerpt from the tmf-values.yaml file shows an example TMF authorization configuration:
  http.instances: 4
  http.oauth2.enable: false # Set to true to add OAuth authentication
  http.oauth2.clientId: my-client # Add your OAuth client id
  http.oauth2.clientSecret: secret # Add your OAuth client secret http://hydra:4445 # Add your OAuth URL
  http.oauth2.introspectionPath: /oauth2/introspect # Add your OAuth introspection path
For more information about TMF configuration properties, see the discussion about tmf-values.yaml configuration in MATRIXX TM Forum Integration.