Load a Compiled Pricing File
The load_pricing.py script loads a compiled pricing XML configuration file into the pricing database on a processing pod and then, if successful, loads it synchronously onto all other pods in the engine. The pricing XML file can be loaded directly or as part of a pricing ZIP file. If MATRIXX Engine has multiple sub-domains, each sub-domain must have the same base pricing loaded or a version of the same base pricing.
Before you begin
Compile the pricing XML or ZIP file and secure copy it to the /tmp directory on a processing pod in a standby cluster. This directory cannot be in the /opt/mtx directory path.
For more information about the MATRIXX environment variables, see the discussion about container directories and environment variables in MATRIXX Installation and Upgrade.
About this task
While a pricing file is being loaded into the pricing database, any network transactions in progress are rated with the pricing data that was available when the event was first received. All events received after the new pricing plan is deployed are rated with the new pricing data. In a multi-pod environment, deploying a new pricing plan and synchronously updates the pricing on all other pods in the cluster.
suffix for archiving and rollback purposes and the new pricing file is copied into this directory with the name specified in the
${MTX_CUSTOM_DIR}/mtx_config.xml. If a _PREV
file exists, it is removed. If the load operation is not successful, the pricing database is rolled
back to its previous state.