Create a Currency Balance Class

A currency balance class is identified by its three-digit numeric ISO code. For each ISO currency, there can be only one corresponding currency balance class.

Before you begin

You must have the Pricing User role to create a balance class. To select a currency for the balance class, you might need to add the ISO currency code in General Configuration in My MATRIXX. This adds the currency to the Currency list in the Create New Balance Class dialog box.


  1. In Balance Classes, click New Balance Class.
  2. In Create New Balance Class:
    1. In Category, select currency.
    2. In Currency, select the currency name.
      The Description field displays the three-letter ISO currency code associated with the selected currency name.
    3. (Optional) In External ID, enter any alphanumeric character to serve as a unique ID on this pricing object. The external ID can be used for any reason that is meaningful to your implementation of MATRIXX Engine. External IDs are saved to the pricing configuration file and loaded into the Pricing database.
    4. Click Create.
  3. (Optional) In Expiration Notification Profile, select the notification profile that indicates when to send notifications for the expiry of balances in the wallet for balances whose balance templates are derived from this balance class.
    If this option is not selected, MATRIXX Engine does not generate notifications when balances in the wallet of this balance class expire.
  4. (Optional) If you selected an expiration notification profile, select Notify on Last Balance Instance Expiration to generate the balance expiry notification only for the last expiring balance for the balance class. The end time of all balances in all the templates derived from this balance class are considered to get the last expiring balance. Balances that are valid forever are not considered in the calculations to get the last expiring balance.
    If this option is deselected (at the balance class level), the notification profile at the class level is not used, and the notification configuration at the balance template level is used instead.
    If this balance-expiry option is enabled at the balance class and balance template level, multiple notifications are sent for the last expiring balance for the class and for the last expiring balance for the template.
  5. Set properties to define how the balance amount displays in My MATRIXX with these tasks.
    These fields do not affect rating.
    1. If the balance class has an associated symbol, in Align Symbol, select whether the symbol displays to the left or right of the balance amount in rating formulas.
    2. In Symbol, do one of the following:
      • If the symbol is on a standard keyboard, enter the symbol.
      • If the symbol is not on a standard keyboard, copy it from a word processor, and paste it into the Symbol field.
    3. In Decimal Separator, enter the character to separate integers from fractional amounts. A decimal point (.) by default.
    4. In Precision, enter the number of digits to the right of the decimal point used to express the balance value.
    5. Deselect Use Thousands Separator to remove the thousands separator that displays in rating formulas.
    6. By default, a comma (,) is used as the thousands separator. To change the thousands separator, enter a different character in Thousands Separator.
    7. By default, a negative sign (-) displays in rating formulas for negative amounts. To remove the negative sign, click Use Negative Sign to deselect it.
  6. In the Balance Tags pane, click Add Balance Tag. In Add Balance Tags, select one or more balance tags to add to the Balance Class.
  7. Click Add.
  8. To remove a balance tag, click Delete the selected object next to the balance tag.
  9. Click Save.


The balance class is added to the pricing plan.