Gx Policy Trigger on Offer Selection

After receiving a Gx CCA-I, PCC rules are evaluated and selected.

For example, in the following process flow diagrams, quota is initially granted, a new offer is purchased, and then the offer is canceled.

In Figure 1, the PCEF gets the default policy rules from the OCS. A quota request results in a policy trigger. In Figure 2, the Gy session requires that a new policy profile is used because a new offer was purchased and selected. A Gx RAR message was sent to the P-GW due to changes to the PCC rules based on rating. In Figure 3, the applied product offer is canceled during the session. The Gx policies are re-evaluated after responding to subsequent Gy CCR messages that result in an authorization status change from authorized to denied. A Gx RAR is sent to update the PCC rules.

This process flow uses the following terms:
  • Gx:Gy-Authorized — A Gx policy that applies only when Gy quota is authorized.
  • Gx:Gy-Denied — A Gx policy that applies only when Gy quota is denied.
  • MDB — MATRIXX Database.
Figure 1. Changes in Selected Offer

Figure 2. Changes in Selected Offer (Continued)

Figure 3. Changes in Selected Offer (Continued)