Session Management RAR Support for Groups
After they are configured, Gx RAR messages can be applied to groups of 10 or less subscribers.
MATRIXX Support for Gx RAR messages does not extend to sub-groups. For cases where the policy itself needs to be re-evaluated (for example, for group offer purchase, offer cancel, offer modification, modification, status change using status life cycles), the Charging Server enqueues Gx RAR messages for each Gx session. RARs are sent for each session, associated with each device, associated with each group member.
- Performs a balance range check for each Gx session associated with this balance for each device associated with each group member for the group owning the balance.
- Issues Gx RAR messages for sessions for which the group balance impact brings the balance outside of the current range.
Answer y to the following to
configure Gx support for groups of 10 or less subscribers:
Global:Session:Policy:Notify:Enable immediate group Gx policy checking for
small groups (y/n)?
question. For details, see the discussion about policy
RAR and SNR behavior configuration and the discussion about global system configuration
in MATRIXX Configuration.