Declare the GroupInfoProcessor Bean

Declare a new bean of type GroupInfoProcessor and modify the workflow to route the message through the GroupInfoProcessor bean.


  1. Edit /opt/mtx/conf/mtx_notifier_camel.xml and add the following:
    <!-- EXTENSION -->
    <bean id="sampleGroupInfoProcessor" class="" /> 	  
  2. Modify the workflow to route the message through the GroupInfoProcessor bean.
    1. Find the v5000 route.
      <camel:route id="v5000">
    2. After <!-- NotificationMessageParser --> <to uri="messageParser" />, add the following:
      <!-- EXTENSION --> 
      <to uri="sampleGroupInfoProcessor"/>  
  3. Save and close the file.


The GroupInfoProcessor bean is added to the Notification Framework classpath.
Note: For versions earlier than 5210, you can set the file locations by modifying the loader.path property in the /etc/default/mtx_notifier file:
export MTX_NOTIFIER_CAMEL_START_ARGS="-j -Dloader.path=/opt/mtx/notifier_camel/classes,/opt/mtx/notifier_camel/lib"