Route Cache Controller Metrics

Route Cache Controller Metrics describes the metrics available to Prometheus from Route Cache Controller (RC).

Table 1. Route Cache Controller Metrics
Metric Description
rcAdmnSubMdbEraseGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbEraseAIHBCallCnt Admin Subscriber table: erase all records in hash bucket operations since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbEraseGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbEraseAllCallCnt Admin Subscriber table: erase all records operations since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbEraseGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbEraseCallCnt Admin Subscriber table: erase operations since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbEraseGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbEraseCallInProgress Admin Subscriber table: active erase operations at the moment.
rcAdmnSubMdbEraseGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbEraseErrorCnt Admin Subscriber table: errors detected during erase operation since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbEraseGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbEraseKMCallCnt Admin Subscriber table: erase with key-match operations since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbEraseGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbEraseKPMCallCnt Admin Subscriber table: erase with key prefix match operations since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbEraseGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbEraseNotFoundCnt Admin Subscriber table: records not found during erase operation since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbFetchGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbFetchCallCnt Admin Subscriber table: fetch operations since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbFetchGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbFetchCallInProgress Admin Subscriber table: active fetch operations at the moment.
rcAdmnSubMdbFetchGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbFetchErrorCnt Admin Subscriber table: errors detected during fetch operations since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbFetchGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbFetchNotFoundCnt Admin Subscriber table: records not found during fetch operations since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbFetchGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbFetchRecFoundCnt Admin Subscriber table: records found during fetch operations since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbFindGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbFindCallCnt Admin Subscriber table: find operations since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbFindGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbFindCallInProgress Admin Subscriber table: active find operations at the moment.
rcAdmnSubMdbFindGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbFindErrorCnt Admin Subscriber table: errors detected during find operations since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbFindGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbFindNotFoundCnt Admin Subscriber table: records not found during find operations since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbFindGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbFindRecFoundCnt Admin Subscriber table: records found during find operations since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbGCGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbGcFreeRecCnt Admin Subscriber table: records erased during garbage collection since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbGCGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbGcLoopsCnt Admin Subscriber table: garbage collection processing loop counter since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbGCGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbGcProcToutMilsec Admin Subscriber table: current garbage collection processing timeout in milliseconds.
rcAdmnSubMdbInsertGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbInsertAllocNrpCnt Admin Subscriber table: allocated records during insert operation since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbInsertGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbInsertAlrExistsCnt Admin Subscriber table: record already exists errors during insert new record operation since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbInsertGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbInsertCallCnt Admin Subscriber table: insert operations since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbInsertGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbInsertCallInProgress Admin Subscriber table: active insert operations at the moment.
rcAdmnSubMdbInsertGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbInsertErrorCnt Admin Subscriber table: errors detected during insert operation since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbInsertGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbInsertKeyFoundCnt Admin Subscriber table: keys found during insert operation since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbInsertGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbInsertNewCnt Admin Subscriber table: inserted new records during insert operation since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbInsertGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbInsertNoMemCnt Admin Subscriber table: free record unavailable errors during insert operation since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbInsertGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbInsertNotFoundCnt Admin Subscriber table: record not found errors during record update operation since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbInsertGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbInsertUpdateCnt Admin Subscriber table: record updated during insert operation since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbInsertGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbInsertValEqCnt Admin Subscriber table: found matching value during insert operation since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbInsertGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbInsertXchgCnt Admin Subscriber table: record exchanged during insert operation since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbIterGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbIterDelCallCnt Admin Subscriber table: delete iterator method calls since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbIterGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbIterNewCallCnt Admin Subscriber table: new iterator method calls since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbIterGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbIterProcCallCnt Admin Subscriber table: process iterator method calls since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbIterGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbIterProcEofCnt Admin Subscriber table: EOF detected during iterator processing calls since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbIterGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbIterProcEraseCnt Admin Subscriber table: erased records during iterator processing since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbIterGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbIterProcErrCnt Admin Subscriber table: errors detected during iterator processing calls since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbIterGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbIterProcNextCnt Admin Subscriber table: next record operations conducted during iterator processing since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbIterGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbIterProcPtrCnt Admin Subscriber table: iterator processing returns pointer since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbIterGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbIterProcShmIdCnt Admin Subscriber table: invalid SHM ID detected during iterator processing calls since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbIterGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbIterProcUnlockCnt Admin Subscriber table: unlocked hash buckets during iterator processing since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbIterGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbIterProcValCnt Admin Subscriber table: iterator processing returns value since start of RC.
rcAdmnSubMdbMainGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbMainNumberOfFreeRecords Admin Subscriber table: total number of available records in this table.
rcAdmnSubMdbMainGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbMainPercentageOfFreeRecords Admin Subscriber table: percentage [0-100] of available records in this table.
rcAdmnSubMdbMainGroup.rcAdmnSubMdbMainTotalNumberOfRecords Admin Subscriber table: total number of records in this table.
rcNotificationGroup.rcUsageThresholdClear A rcUsageThresholdClear notification is sent when a usage threshold is cleared.
rcSesMdbEraseGroup.rcSesMdbEraseAIHBCallCnt Session table: erase all records in hash bucket operations since start of RC.
rcSesMdbEraseGroup.rcSesMdbEraseAllCallCnt Session table: erase all records operations since start of RC.
rcSesMdbEraseGroup.rcSesMdbEraseCallCnt Session table: erase operations since start of RC.
rcSesMdbEraseGroup.rcSesMdbEraseCallInProgress Session table: active erase operations at the moment.
rcSesMdbEraseGroup.rcSesMdbEraseErrorCnt Session table: errors detected during erase operation since start of RC.
rcSesMdbEraseGroup.rcSesMdbEraseKMCallCnt Session table: erase with key-match operations since start of RC.
rcSesMdbEraseGroup.rcSesMdbEraseKPMCallCnt Session table: erase with key prefix match operations since start of RC.
rcSesMdbEraseGroup.rcSesMdbEraseNotFoundCnt Session table: records not found during erase operation since start of RC.
rcSesMdbFetchGroup.rcSesMdbFetchCallCnt Session table: fetch operations since start of RC.
rcSesMdbFetchGroup.rcSesMdbFetchCallInProgress Session table: active fetch operations at the moment.
rcSesMdbFetchGroup.rcSesMdbFetchErrorCnt Session table: errors detected during fetch operations since start of RC.
rcSesMdbFetchGroup.rcSesMdbFetchNotFoundCnt Session table: records not found during fetch operations since start of RC.
rcSesMdbFetchGroup.rcSesMdbFetchRecFoundCnt Session table: records found during fetch operations since start of RC.
rcSesMdbFindGroup.rcSesMdbFindCallCnt Session table: find operations since start of RC.
rcSesMdbFindGroup.rcSesMdbFindCallInProgress Session table: active find operations at the moment.
rcSesMdbFindGroup.rcSesMdbFindErrorCnt Session table: errors detected during find operations since start of RC.
rcSesMdbFindGroup.rcSesMdbFindNotFoundCnt Session table: records not found during find operations since start of RC.
rcSesMdbFindGroup.rcSesMdbFindRecFoundCnt Session table: records found during find operations since start of RC.
rcSesMdbGCGroup.rcSesMdbGcFreeRecCnt Session table: records erased during garbage collection since start of RC.
rcSesMdbGCGroup.rcSesMdbGcLoopsCnt Session table: garbage collection processing loop counter since start of RC.
rcSesMdbGCGroup.rcSesMdbGcProcToutMilsec Session table: current garbage collection processing timeout in milliseconds.
rcSesMdbInsertGroup.rcSesMdbInsertAllocNrpCnt Session table: allocated records during insert operation since start of RC.
rcSesMdbInsertGroup.rcSesMdbInsertAlrExistsCnt Session table: record already exists errors during insert new record operation since start of RC.
rcSesMdbInsertGroup.rcSesMdbInsertCallCnt Session table: insert operations since start of RC.
rcSesMdbInsertGroup.rcSesMdbInsertCallInProgress Session table: active insert operations at the moment.
rcSesMdbInsertGroup.rcSesMdbInsertErrorCnt Session table: errors detected during insert operation since start of RC.
rcSesMdbInsertGroup.rcSesMdbInsertKeyFoundCnt Session table: keys found during insert operation since start of RC.
rcSesMdbInsertGroup.rcSesMdbInsertNewCnt Session table: inserted new records during insert operation since start of RC.
rcSesMdbInsertGroup.rcSesMdbInsertNoMemCnt Session table: free record unavailable errors during insert operation since start of RC.
rcSesMdbInsertGroup.rcSesMdbInsertNotFoundCnt Session table: record not found errors during record update operation since start of RC.
rcSesMdbInsertGroup.rcSesMdbInsertUpdateCnt Session table: record updated during insert operation since start of RC.
rcSesMdbInsertGroup.rcSesMdbInsertValEqCnt Session table: found matching value during insert operation since start of RC.
rcSesMdbInsertGroup.rcSesMdbInsertXchgCnt Session table: record exchanged during insert operation since start of RC.
rcSesMdbIterGroup.rcSesMdbIterDelCallCnt Session table: delete iterator method calls since start of RC.
rcSesMdbIterGroup.rcSesMdbIterNewCallCnt Session table: new iterator method calls since start of RC.
rcSesMdbIterGroup.rcSesMdbIterProcCallCnt Session table: process iterator method calls since start of RC.
rcSesMdbIterGroup.rcSesMdbIterProcEofCnt Session table: EOF detected during iterator processing calls since start of RC.
rcSesMdbIterGroup.rcSesMdbIterProcEraseCnt Session table: erased records during iterator processing since start of RC.
rcSesMdbIterGroup.rcSesMdbIterProcErrCnt Session table: errors detected during iterator processing calls since start of RC.
rcSesMdbIterGroup.rcSesMdbIterProcNextCnt Session table: next record operations conducted during iterator processing since start of RC.
rcSesMdbIterGroup.rcSesMdbIterProcPtrCnt Session table: iterator processing returns pointer since start of RC.
rcSesMdbIterGroup.rcSesMdbIterProcShmIdCnt Session table: invalid SHM ID detected during iterator processing calls since start of RC.
rcSesMdbIterGroup.rcSesMdbIterProcUnlockCnt Session table: unlocked hash buckets during iterator processing since start of RC.
rcSesMdbIterGroup.rcSesMdbIterProcValCnt Session table: iterator processing returns value since start of RC.
rcSesMdbMainGroup.rcSesMdbMainNumberOfFreeRecords Session table: total number of available records in this table.
rcSesMdbMainGroup.rcSesMdbMainPercentageOfFreeRecords Session table: percentage [0-100] of available records in this table.
rcSesMdbMainGroup.rcSesMdbMainTotalNumberOfRecords Session table: total number of records in this table.
rcSubMdbEraseGroup.rcSubMdbEraseAIHBCallCnt Subscriber table: erase all records in hash bucket operations since start of RC.
rcSubMdbEraseGroup.rcSubMdbEraseAllCallCnt Subscriber table: erase all records operations since start of RC.
rcSubMdbEraseGroup.rcSubMdbEraseCallCnt Subscriber table: erase operations since start of RC.
rcSubMdbEraseGroup.rcSubMdbEraseCallInProgress Subscriber table: active erase operations at the moment.
rcSubMdbEraseGroup.rcSubMdbEraseErrorCnt Subscriber table: errors detected during erase operation since start of RC.
rcSubMdbEraseGroup.rcSubMdbEraseKMCallCnt Subscriber table: erase with key-match operations since start of RC.
rcSubMdbEraseGroup.rcSubMdbEraseKPMCallCnt Subscriber table: erase with key prefix match operations since start of RC.
rcSubMdbEraseGroup.rcSubMdbEraseNotFoundCnt Subscriber table: records not found during erase operation since start of RC.
rcSubMdbFetchGroup.rcSubMdbFetchCallCnt Subscriber table: fetch operations since start of RC.
rcSubMdbFetchGroup.rcSubMdbFetchCallInProgress Subscriber table: active fetch operations at the moment.
rcSubMdbFetchGroup.rcSubMdbFetchErrorCnt Subscriber table: errors detected during fetch operations since start of RC.
rcSubMdbFetchGroup.rcSubMdbFetchNotFoundCnt Subscriber table: records not found during fetch operations since start of RC.
rcSubMdbFetchGroup.rcSubMdbFetchRecFoundCnt Subscriber table: records found during fetch operations since start of RC.
rcSubMdbFindGroup.rcSubMdbFindCallCnt Subscriber table: find operations since start of RC.
rcSubMdbFindGroup.rcSubMdbFindCallInProgress Subscriber table: active find operations at the moment.
rcSubMdbFindGroup.rcSubMdbFindErrorCnt Subscriber table: errors detected during find operations since start of RC.
rcSubMdbFindGroup.rcSubMdbFindNotFoundCnt Subscriber table: records not found during find operations since start of RC.
rcSubMdbFindGroup.rcSubMdbFindRecFoundCnt Subscriber table: records found during find operations since start of RC.
rcSubMdbGCGroup.rcSubMdbGcFreeRecCnt Subscriber table: records erased during garbage collection since start of RC.
rcSubMdbGCGroup.rcSubMdbGcLoopsCnt Subscriber table: garbage collection processing loop counter since start of RC.
rcSubMdbGCGroup.rcSubMdbGcProcToutMilsec Subscriber table: current garbage collection processing timeout in milliseconds.
rcSubMdbInsertGroup.rcSubMdbInsertAllocNrpCnt Subscriber table: allocated records during insert operation since start of RC.
rcSubMdbInsertGroup.rcSubMdbInsertAlrExistsCnt Subscriber table: record already exists errors during insert new record operation since start of RC.
rcSubMdbInsertGroup.rcSubMdbInsertCallCnt Subscriber table: insert operations since start of RC.
rcSubMdbInsertGroup.rcSubMdbInsertCallInProgress Subscriber table: active insert operations at the moment.
rcSubMdbInsertGroup.rcSubMdbInsertErrorCnt Subscriber table: errors detected during insert operation since start of RC.
rcSubMdbInsertGroup.rcSubMdbInsertKeyFoundCnt Subscriber table: keys found during insert operation since start of RC.
rcSubMdbInsertGroup.rcSubMdbInsertNewCnt Subscriber table: inserted new records during insert operation since start of RC.
rcSubMdbInsertGroup.rcSubMdbInsertNoMemCnt Subscriber table: free record unavailable errors during insert operation since start of RC.
rcSubMdbInsertGroup.rcSubMdbInsertNotFoundCnt Subscriber table: record not found errors during record update operation since start of RC.
rcSubMdbInsertGroup.rcSubMdbInsertUpdateCnt Subscriber table: record updated during insert operation since start of RC.
rcSubMdbInsertGroup.rcSubMdbInsertValEqCnt Subscriber table: found matching value during insert operation since start of RC.
rcSubMdbInsertGroup.rcSubMdbInsertXchgCnt Subscriber table: record exchanged during insert operation since start of RC.
rcSubMdbIterGroup.rcSubMdbIterDelCallCnt Subscriber table: delete iterator method calls since start of RC.
rcSubMdbIterGroup.rcSubMdbIterNewCallCnt Subscriber table: new iterator method calls since start of RC.
rcSubMdbIterGroup.rcSubMdbIterProcCallCnt Subscriber table: process iterator method calls since start of RC.
rcSubMdbIterGroup.rcSubMdbIterProcEofCnt Subscriber table: EOF detected during iterator processing calls since start of RC.
rcSubMdbIterGroup.rcSubMdbIterProcEraseCnt Subscriber table: erased records during iterator processing since start of RC.
rcSubMdbIterGroup.rcSubMdbIterProcErrCnt Subscriber table: errors detected during iterator processing calls since start of RC.
rcSubMdbIterGroup.rcSubMdbIterProcNextCnt Subscriber table: next record operations conducted during iterator processing since start of RC.
rcSubMdbIterGroup.rcSubMdbIterProcPtrCnt Subscriber table: iterator processing returns pointer since start of RC.
rcSubMdbIterGroup.rcSubMdbIterProcShmIdCnt Subscriber table: invalid SHM ID detected during iterator processing calls since start of RC.
rcSubMdbIterGroup.rcSubMdbIterProcUnlockCnt Subscriber table: unlocked hash buckets during iterator processing since start of RC.
rcSubMdbIterGroup.rcSubMdbIterProcValCnt Subscriber table: iterator processing returns value since start of RC.
rcSubMdbMainGroup.rcSubMdbMainNumberOfFreeRecords Subscriber table: total number of available records in this table.
rcSubMdbMainGroup.rcSubMdbMainPercentageOfFreeRecords Subscriber table: percentage [0-100] of available records in this table.
rcSubMdbMainGroup.rcSubMdbMainTotalNumberOfRecords Subscriber table: total number of records in this table.