Viewing MATRIXX SNMP Stats with Grafana

Use Grafana to display MATRIXX SNMP statistics and other metrics exported to Prometheus, using MATRIXX-provided custom Grafana dashboard templates.

The Grafana instance installed as part of the Prometheus Operator monitoring system is accessible using the ClusterIP at port 3000, for example:


The following command reports the name of the Grafana Service:

GRAF_SVC=$(kubectl get svc --namespace monitoring | grep Grafana | awk '{print $1}')
echo $GRAF_SVC

Grafana can also be accessed from the node after starting a port-forward. For example:

The following command uses the service name discovered above:

kubectl port-forward --namespace monitoring --address svc/${GRAF_SVC} 3000:3000

The --address option causes Grafana to be accessible from outside the cluster, after the firewall has been opened for that specific port with commands similar to the following:

sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=3000/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
You can then access the Prometheus dashboard using the host IP and port:

The default user name for Grafana is admin, and the default password is admin. Logging in displays the Home interface, with links to dashboards. Selecting a dashboard displays the configured graphs.