Configuring Date/Time Fields

You can configure date/time fields to be set with the time zone of the event initiator for primary events and the time zone of the wallet owner for secondary events.

For non-usage (SubMan-generated) primary events, the initiator can be a subscription, group, user, or device. When the initiator is a device, the subscription associated with the device is the initiator. For usage events, the event initiator is always a subscription.

If you configure date/time fields to be set using the time zone of the event initiator for events and the time zone of the wallet owner for secondary events, if the event initiator does not have a specified time zone, the time zone of the Charging Server is used. If a device is not associated with a subscription, the Charging Server time zone is used. All primary and secondary event date/time fields are recorded using the event-initiator time zone.
Important: This configuration does not affect any date/time fields defined in custom events. This affects MATRIXX Data Containers (MDCs) only.

During MATRIXX Engine configuration, you can specify if you want date/time fields in events to be set using the time zone of the event initiator for events and the time zone of the wallet owner for secondary events by answering y to the following question:

Do you want DATETIME fields in events to be expressed in the time zone of the event initiator and the time zone of the wallet owner for secondary events (y/n)?

For more information about MATRIXX Engine configuration, see the discussion about configuring MATRIXX Engine in MATRIXX Configuration.