Configuring Date/Time Fields
You can configure date/time fields to be set with the time zone of the event initiator for primary events and the time zone of the wallet owner for secondary events.
For non-usage (SubMan-generated) primary events, the initiator can be a subscription, group, user, or device. When the initiator is a device, the subscription associated with the device is the initiator. For usage events, the event initiator is always a subscription.
During MATRIXX Engine configuration, you can specify if you want date/time fields in events to be set using
the time zone of the event initiator for events and the time zone of the wallet owner
for secondary events by answering y
to the following question:
Do you want DATETIME fields in events to be expressed in the time zone of the event initiator and the time zone of the wallet owner for secondary events (y/n)?
For more information about MATRIXX Engine configuration, see the discussion about configuring MATRIXX Engine in MATRIXX Configuration.