RS Gateway Metrics
RS Gateway Duration Metrics Explained describes the three types of duration metrics for RS Gateway HTTP web requests processed by MATRIXX Engine.
Name | Key | Internal Variable | Notes |
mtx.web.request.http.duration | T | elapsed | The total elapsed time in RS Gateway. |
mtx.web.request.rtt.duration | ER | rtt | The elapsed time of sendMessage. Round Trip Time (RTT) metrics report the total RTT from RS Gateway to the engine and back again, including serialization and deserialization latency and processing time in the engine. |
mtx.web.request.proc.duration | EP | engine | The engine processing. Metrics that include proc in the name report the amount of time taken by the engine from the moment the engine receives and parses the data until it has the response ready to send back. |
RS Gateway Metrics describes the metrics exported by Micrometer Stats Exporter for RS Gateway HTTP web requests processed by MATRIXX Engine.
Metric | Description |
mtx_web_request_http_duration_seconds_count | The number of samples of mtx_web_request_http_duration. |
mtx_web_request_http_duration_seconds_max | The highest value seen up to the moment the query was performed of mtx_web_request_http_duration. |
mtx_web_request_http_duration_seconds_sum | The cumulative total of all time recorded for mtx_web_request_http_duration. |
mtx_web_request_rtt_duration_seconds_count | Total number of round-trip HTTP web requests involving engine processing. |
mtx_web_request_rtt_duration_seconds_max | Maximum round-trip time spent handling HTTP web requests involving engine processing. |
mtx_web_request_rtt_duration_seconds_sum | Total round-trip time spent handling HTTP web requests involving engine processing. |
mtx_web_request_proc_duration_seconds_count | Total number of HTTP web requests involving engine processing. |
mtx_web_request_proc_duration_seconds_max | Maximum time spent handling HTTP web requests involving engine processing. |
mtx_web_request_proc_duration_seconds_sum | Total time spent handling HTTP web requests involving engine processing. |
jvm_gc_live_data_size_bytes | Size of old generation memory pool after a full garbage collection (GC). |
jvm_gc_max_data_size_bytes | Maximum size of old generation memory pool. |
jvm_gc_pause_seconds_count | Time spent in GC pause (count). |
jvm_gc_pause_seconds_max | Maximum time spent in GC pause. |
jvm_gc_pause_seconds_sum | Total time spent in GC pause. |
jvm_memory_max_bytes | Maximum amount of memory, in bytes, that can be used for memory management. |
jvm_memory_used_bytes | Amount of used memory. |
jvm_threads_daemon_threads | Current number of live daemon threads. |
jvm_threads_live_threads | Current number of live threads including both daemon and non-daemon threads. |
jvm_threads_peak_threads | The peak live thread count starting from when the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) started or peak was reset. |
jvm_threads_states_threads | The current number of threads in each state. |
process_cpu_usage | Recent CPU usage for the JVM process. |
process_files_max_files | Maximum file descriptor count. |
process_files_open_files | Open file descriptor count. |
system_cpu_usage | Recent CPU usage for the whole system. |
tomcat_sessions_active_current_sessions | Number of active sessions. |
tomcat_sessions_active_max_sessions | Maximum number of active sessions. |
tomcat_sessions_created_sessions_total | Total number of sessions created. |
tomcat_sessions_expired_sessions_total | Total number of sessions expired. |
tomcat_sessions_rejected_sessions_total | Total number of sessions rejected. |
RS Gateway Time Logging
Time logging for RS Gateway includes:
- Time spent in the web layer (
) - Time spent in the engine
(1) enter rsgateway
(2) enter sendMessage to engine
(3) engine recorded its timing
(4) exit sendMessage to engine
(5) exit rsgateway
For example:
2017-11-28 | 010604.895 | http-bio-8080-exec-4 | INFO | EntryExitFilter | REQUEST_LEAVE
In the example above:- T — The total elapsed time in rsgateway in milliseconds, 430ms. This is (5) - (1).
- ER — The elapsed time of sendMessage(), 429ms. This is (4) - (2).
- T-ER — The total - ER, 1ms.
- EP — The engine processing, 427ms. This is the time stats recorded by the engine in the MATRIXX Data Container (MDC) itself. This is (3).
- T-EP — The total - engine processing, 3ms.