Event Streaming Framework Metrics

Event Streaming Framework Metrics describes the metrics exported by Micrometer Stats Exporter for Event Streaming Framework.

Table 1. Event Streaming Framework Metrics
Metric Description
mtx_event_failed_count Total number of failed events.
mtx_event_processed_count Total number of handled events.
mtx_event_processing_time_seconds_max Maximum time spent processing each event.
mtx_event_processing_time_seconds_sum Total time spent processing each event.
jvm_gc_live_data_size_bytes Size of old generation memory pool after a full GC.
jvm_gc_max_data_size_bytes Maximum size of old generation memory pool.
jvm_gc_pause_seconds_count Time spent in GC pause (count).
jvm_gc_pause_seconds_max Maximum time spent in GC pause.
jvm_gc_pause_seconds_sum Total time spent in GC pause.
jvm_memory_max_bytes Maximum amount of memory, in bytes, that can be used for memory management.
jvm_memory_used_bytes Amount of used memory.
jvm_threads_daemon_threads Current number of live daemon threads.
jvm_threads_live_threads Current number of live threads including both daemon and non-daemon threads.
jvm_threads_peak_threads The peak live thread count starting from when the JVM started or the peak was reset.
jvm_threads_states_threads The current number of threads in each state.
process_cpu_usage Recent CPU usage for the JVM process.
process_files_max_files Maximum file descriptor count.
process_files_open_files Open file descriptor count.
system_cpu_usage Recent CPU usage for the whole system.