ActiveMQ Gateway

ActiveMQ Gateway Properties describes the configuration options available in the ActiveMQ Gateway sub-chart.

Table 1. ActiveMQ Gateway Properties
Property Description
activemq.configuration.container.pollPeriod The frequency in which to poll the Kubernetes API for other ActiveMQ Gateway instances. The default value is 10s.
activemq.resources.limits.memory The maximum Java heap size. The default value is 1024M.
activemq.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds The initialDelay value, in seconds, to use for the pod liveness probe. The default value is 5.
activemq.livenessProbe.periodSeconds The period value, in seconds, to use for the pod liveness probe. The default value is 5.
activemq.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds The timeout value, in seconds, to use for the pod liveness probe. The default value is 5.
activemq.livenessProbe.failureThreshold The failure threshold value, in seconds, to use for the pod liveness probe. The default value is 5.
activemq.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds The initialDelay value, in seconds, to use for the pod readiness probe. The default value is 10.
activemq.readinessProbe.periodSeconds The period value, in seconds, to use for the pod readiness probe. The default value is 10.
activemq.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds The timeout value, in seconds, to use for the pod readiness probe. The default value is 5.
activemq.readinessProbe.failureThreshold The failure threshold value, in seconds, to use for the pod readiness probe. The default value is 5.