Common Sub-Chart Properties

Each MATRIXX component has an corresponding Helm sub-chart that can be configured from the main chart.

Configuration properties for the sub-charts are always prefixed by the sub-chart name. Component Sub-Charts lists the components and the corresponding sub-chart name prefixes.

Table 1. Component Sub-Charts
Component Chart Name Is Enabled by Default
MATRIXX Engine engine Yes
Traffic Routing Agent (TRA-DR or TRA-RT) tra Yes
SNMP Exporter snmp-exporter Yes
Network Enabler network-enabler No
Pricing Controller pricing-controller Yes
Gateway Proxy gateway-proxy Yes
ActiveMQ Gateway activemq Yes
RS Gateway rsgateway Yes
Payment Service payment-service Yes
Event Streaming Framework event-streamer Yes
Notification Framework notifier Yes
My MATRIXX mymatrixx Yes
MATRIXX Backoffice Customer Tool matrixxbct Yes
LDAP Gateway ldap-gateway No
SBA Gateway sba-5gc-chf No
Multus container Network Interface (CNI) Operator multus-cni No