Export Data from the Subscriber Database

MATRIXX provides an example subscriber_export.yaml file to use with the data-export image to convert checkpoint data to CSV format. The image also generates script files to create SQL tables and load the exported subscriber data into the SQL tables.


  1. (Optional) Run the /opt/mtx/bin/create_checkpoint.py file to create a new checkpoint of the in-memory databases.
    This step is necessary only if a recent checkpoint does not exist on the shared storage device. The publishing server creates these checkpoints at a configured interval. If you create a new checkpoint, specify the checkpoint directory with MTX_INPUT_DIRECTORY parameter.
  2. Run the data-export image with the example subscriber_export.yaml file as the entry for MTX_EXPORT_CONFIG_FILE or the file that you customized before.
    The following is an example using Docker:
    docker run --rm \
        -v /temp/mtx/engine/config/output/mdc_config_custom.xml:/opt/mtx/conf/mdc_config_custom.xml \
        -v /opt/mtx/shared:/shared \
        -v /opt/mtx/data/export:/opt/mtx/data/export \
        -v /matrixx-shared-logging-storage/Pricing/jdoe/subscriber_export.yaml:/opt/mtx/data/subscriber_export.yaml \
        -e MTX_EXPORT_CONFIG_FILE="subscriber_export.yaml" \
        -e MTX_VERSION=version \
        -e MTX_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_POSTFIX_EXP="echo "/$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")"" \
        my_registry/data-export:version \
    Where my_registry is the name of your registry and versionis the version of your data-export image.
    Three sets of files are generated when the data-export image successfully completes:
    • Extracted subscriber data that is written to one or more CSV files.
    • A script file to create SQL tables for importing the extracted subscriber data.
    • A script file to load the exported subscriber data into the SQL tables after they are created.
  3. Run the create_tables.sql script to create new SQL tables.
  4. Run the load_tables.sql script to import the CSV data into the new SQL tables.


The exported data are available in SQL tables and are ready for analysis. See the discussion about the exported Subscriber database data model for the database schema diagrams.