Administering the Event Repository
The topics in this section describe how to monitor and maintain runtime operations for the Event Repository.
Maintaining runtime operations for the Event Repository includes monitoring error logs, recovering from failures in loading event objects, and performing backup and restore procedures.
To manage your MongoDB system, be familiar with MongoDB operations, networking, and security best practices. Refer to MongoDB product documentation for information about managing your MongoDB system.
Use MongoDB tools for performing the following administration tasks for the Event Repository (MtxEventDatabase).
- Monitor the health status of the server running the event repository.
- Check the size of the event repository and its associated indexes.
- Perform backup and restore operations on the event
repository. Note: The MATRIXX Engine Event Loader system cannot start up until it can connect to the MongoDB server. The lack of connection is reported in logs.
For more information about performing backups, see the related topic about MongoDB database backup methods.
Use Event Repository (MATRIXX) scripts for performing the following administration tasks for the Event Repository.
- Display configuration information (check for MATRIXX-specific MongoDB configuration).
- Display application server status.
- Display database statistics, such as the number of event objects in the EventCollection collection.
Use Event Repository (MATRIXX) scripts for performing the following administration tasks for the Event Repository Event Loader.
- Display the Event Loader status.
- Display the Event Loader statistics.
The LoaderStatsCollection and the LoaderTraceCollection are the collections in the Event Repository that store Event Loader statistics and traces.
The following table describes the directories the Event Loader uses when handling MEFs to be loaded into the Event Repository.
For more information about the MATRIXX environment variables, see the discussion about container directories and environment variables in MATRIXX Installation and Upgrade.
Directory | Description |
${MTX_TXN_LOG_DIR}/event_store_input | Holds the MEFs that are to be processed by Event Loader. The files can be processed in batches according to the batch size you configure. If the batch size is smaller than the number of records in the MEF, Event Loader inserts the records in several batches. If the batch size you configure is larger than the number of records contained in one MEF, then the batch is the size of the MEF. |
${MTX_TXN_LOG_DIR}/event_store_processed | Holds the MEFs that Event Loader has successfully processed. All records in each of the MEFs in this directory were loaded successfully into the Event Repository in that they were loaded into all nodes of the MongoDB replica set (into the primary and all secondaries). You can configure a delay time after which the MEFs in this directory are deleted. |
${MTX_TXN_LOG_DIR}/event_store_rejected | Holds the MEFs that Event Loader failed to process. After identifying and correcting the issue in a failed MEF, move the file from this directory to the event_store_input directory for reprocessing. |
${MTX_TXN_LOG_DIR}/event_store_meta | For internal use by Event Loader. |