PKI Certificates for LDAPS

If you are using LDAPS, you must import the customer-provided X.509 digital certificate chain that will be used for user, computer, or identity verification and store the chain inside a Java keystore file.

When a client connects to the LDAPS server, the server should send the whole certificate chain (including the server certificate and root Certificate Authentication (CA) certificate). The entire certificate chain should be stored in the Java keystore file.

Import the certificate chain as follows:
keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias ldaps -file ldap_server.crf -keystore /opt/mtx/conf/keystore.jks
where ldap_server.crf is the signed certificate for the LDAPS server.
Then update the /etc/default/mtx_matrixxbct file as follows:
Note: You must restart the MATRIXX Backoffice Customer Tool for the changes to take effect.