Configure TSANs
Perform this task to configure ranges of Temporary Service Access Numbers (TSANs) in the MATRIXX database.
About this task
Perform this task on only one processing pod on only the active engine. Because memory is shared across processing servers, the same TSAN ranges are populated on each processing pod in the engine.
When removing TSANs, the range of TSANs that you specify must exist on the
Note: If you are using sub-domains in your MATRIXX environment, you must
populate unique ranges of TSANs on each sub-domain.
To add a range of TSANs, enter the following command:
opt/mtx/bin/ --addRemoveList=add --startRange=start --endRange=endwhere start is the start number for the range of TSANs you want to add, and end is the end number. For example, the following command adds TSANs in the range 1000 to 2000:
opt/mtx/bin/ --addRemoveList=add --startRange=1000 --endRange=2000
Note: You can use the prefix option when running the script to add TSANs with a specific telephone number prefix. The prefix number can have a maximum of 13 digits in the range 0 to 9, a to e. For example, the following command adds a range of TSANs with a prefix of 01394:
This would result in the following set of TSANs:opt/mtx/bin/ --addRemoveList=add --prefix=01394 --startRange=1000 --endRange=2000
013941000 013941001 .... 013942000
To remove a range of TSANs, enter the following command:
opt/mtx/bin/ --addRemoveList=remove --prefix=prefix --startRange=start --endRange=endwhere:The script removes only TSAN objects that are not in use. If a TSAN object is in use, the TSAN object is set to invalid so that it cannot be reused after the current call has completed. When you re-run the script, the invalid TSAN object is removed.
- prefix is the telephone number prefix for the range of TSANs you want to remove. Specify the prefix only if it was used before to add the TSANs. Omit the prefix if a prefix was not used when adding the TSAN range.
- start is the start number for the range of TSANs you want to remove, and end is the end number.
The following command removes TSANs in the range 1000 to 2000:opt/mtx/bin/ --addRemoveList=remove --prefix=01394 --startRange=1000 --endRange=2000
opt/mtx/bin/ --addRemoveList=remove --startRange=1000 --endRange=2000
Note: You can force the script to remove all the TSAN objects within the specified range, even if they are in use, by setting the force option to 1. For example:
Use this option only if earlier attempts to remove a TSAN object have failed. Forcibly removing TSAN objects could cause calls to be lost.opt/mtx/bin/ --addRemoveList=remove --startRange=1000 --endRange=2000 --force=1
To list all the TSANs in the database, enter the following command:
opt/mtx/bin/ --addRemoveList=list