Spending Limit Microservice

The Spending Limit Microservice converts 5G spending limit context messages to Gy spending limit requests and returns a 5G spending limit status to CHF Proxy.

An HTTP/2 5G spending limit context is sent from CHF Proxy to CHF Diameter Adapter, where the request is mapped into Gy spending limit requests before it is sent to the OCS (Diameter Server). The OCS replies to CHF Diameter Adapter with a Gy spending limit answer, which is then mapped into an HTTP/2 5G spending limit status before it is returned to CHF Proxy. Figure 1 shows the flow:

Figure 1. Gy Spending-Limit Control

A Gy spending status notification request is sent from the OCS (Diameter Server) to CHF Diameter Adapter, where the request is mapped into an HTTP/2 5G spending limit status before it is sent to CHF Proxy. CHF Proxy replies to CHF Diameter Adapter with HTTP/2 5G issue details mapped into a Gy spending status notification answer before being returned to the OCS. Figure 2 shows the flow:
Figure 2. Gy Spending-Status Notification