Storage Configuration

Each instance of the ASN.1 sFTP Sink application requires its own persistent volume (PV). The persistent volume claim (PVC) is managed by a Kubernetes StatefulSet to ensure that the same volume is reattached when the application restarts.

You can provision this PV for the ASN.1 sFTP Sink application using Kubernetes dynamic provisioning or by creating the PVs yourself. Storage Configuration Properties describes the available persistent volume (PV) configuration properties for use with dynamic provisioning.

Table 1. Storage Configuration Properties
Property Description The amount of storage to request when dynamically provisioning the storage with the StatefulSet. The default value is 200 Mi.
asn1-sftp-sink.dataPersistentVolume.storageClassName The storage class name to use when dynamically provisioning the storage with the StatefulSet.
asn1-sftp-sink.dataPersistentVolume.annotations A dictionary of annotations to add to the persistent volume claim of the StatefulSet.

If you create the PVs in advance, you must specify data-asn1-sftp-sink-release_name-index for, for example data-asn1-sftp-sink-myrelease-0, to ensure that the ASN.1 sFTP Sink application mounts the volume on the first instance. The number of ASN.1 sFTP Sink replicas determines the indexes. For example, two replicas would have two volumes, named data-asn1-sftp-sink-myrelease-0 and data-asn1-sftp-sink-myrelease-1.