Docker Registry Configuration

The following properties relate to the Docker registry hosting the 5G event streaming images at your site.

Docker Registry Properties describes properties for Docker registry identity and security.

Table 1. Docker Registry Properties
Property Description Default Value The domain name and port of the Docker registry hosting the images. The default value is localhost:32000. localhost:32000
images.registry.pullPolicy The Kubernetes imagePullPolicy to use for all containers. The default value is Always. Always
images.registry.pullSecretName The name of the Docker registry credentials Kubernetes secret to use. This can be an existing secret or one created by the Helm chart.
images.registry.createSecret If set to true, Helm creates the Kubernetes secret used to connect to the Docker registry based on image.registry.username and image.registry.password. If set to false, a secret with the name specified with images.registry.pullSecretName already exists in the namespace.
images.registry.username If images.registry.createSecret is set to true, the username to use in the created Docker registry credentials secret. The default value is someone. someone
global.image.registry.password If images.registry.createSecret is set to true, the password to use in the created Docker registry credentials secret. The default value is password. password
Important: Apply Base64 encoding to any passwords provided to the Helm chart before adding them to the Helm values file. Encode these values using the base64 command.
echo "unencoded_value" | base64

The following Helm values file excerpt shows configuration for an insecure Docker registry:


The following Helm values file excerpt shows configuration for a secured Docker registry:

    createSecret: true
    username: myDockerUser
    password: cGFzc3dvcmQK   # Base64 Encoded Password

Helm creates the secret based on the specified Docker registry credentials. The password provided for secret creation must be Base64 encoded.