Monitoring Diameter Events

Diameter Event Logger listens to the Diameter Gateway through a TCP connection and logs diameter Rx messages to a JSON file.

For information about installing Diameter Event Logger, see Installation and Configuration.

The Diameter Gateway uses a persistent connection to Diameter Event Logger. If the connection is lost, the Diameter Gateway attempts to reconnect. It is possible that some events will not be logged if the connection is intermittent.

During MATRIXX Engine configuration, you must answer the following question to enable Diameter Event Logger: If using the Diameter Gateway external log service, what is its address (host:port)?

This configuration is per-blade. For information about the configuration parameters, see the discussion about configuring Diameter Event Logger.

Diameter Event Logger is packaged with the latest MATRIXX Engine system MDC definitions. It automatically loads any custom MDC definitions in /opt/mtx/conf/mdc_config_custom.xml when you start it.

Diameter Event Logger logs its status messages to /var/log/mtx/diameter-event-logger.log.