Installing MATRIXX Gateways and Web Apps

Install and set up the MATRIXX Gateways and Web Apps, including a secure communications channel to MATRIXX Engine. A production system can include more than one installation of the gateways and Web apps to facilitate high availability (HA).

For production systems, RPMs for the MATRIXX Gateways and Web Apps must be installed on a non-engine server or servers, situated between external applications and MATRIXX Engine. Linux firewalls should be enabled to enforce secure access to MATRIXX Gateways and Web Apps from such applications.

Table 1 lists the RPMs with a brief description of each.

Table 1. RPM Files for MATRIXX Gateways and Web Apps
File Description
matrixxsw-bizapps-common-version-build.el7.x86_64.rpm Common shell scripts and a common SNMP MIB file for the Web apps. All of the other RPMs for the MATRIXX Gateways and Web Apps require installation of this RPM.
matrixxsw-event-streamer-version-build.el7.x86_64.rpm The MATRIXX Event Streaming Framework delivers event streams from the Event Stream Server to one or more end points. The Event Streaming Framework includes preconfigured connectors that deliver event streams to specified end points.
matrixxsw-gateway-proxy-version-build.el7.x86_64.rpm The Gateway Proxy provides the services that enable external applications to send data securely to MATRIXX Engine. It acts as an intermediary for clients making requests to MATRIXX Engine and for responses from MATRIXX Engine to external applications.

If the connection to the engine is allowed, the MDC Gateway performs the business logic to convert the data to MDC format so it can be processed. The Gateway Proxy listens on an authentication port and optionally on a non-authentication port.

matrixxsw-matrixxbct-version-build.el7.x86_64.rpm MATRIXX Backoffice Customer Tool allows you to view and manage subscription and group account information, including purchased offers, services, and balance amounts.
matrixxsw-mymatrixx-version-build.el7.x86_64.rpm My MATRIXX is a Web app you use to create pricing plans and configure features of MATRIXX Digital Commerce that drive run-time charging and policy behavior.
matrixxsw-netproto-gateway-version-build.el7.x86_64.rpm The MATRIXX Network Protocol Gateway communicates with "northside" (mobile) network traffic protocols. You use Network Protocol Gateway as an entry point to communicate with network nodes, and you can rate and bill for services from those protocols.
matrixxsw-payment-service-version-build.el7.x86_64.rpm The Payment Service delivers messages between MATRIXX Charging Application and a Payment Gateway Provider.
matrixxsw-rsgateway-version-build.el7.x86_64.rpm The REST Services (RS) Gateway provides an integration point for external REST clients and JAVA applications to make API calls to the MATRIXX Engine. The RS Gateway also provides data validation of the incoming requests to help isolate the MATRIXX Engine from data formatting errors.
matrixxsw-bizapps-misc-version-build.el7.x86_64.rpm Miscellaneous files such as RS Gateway SDK and the JavaApiGenerator.jar file for generating the Java API bindings.

The RS Gateway and all external Java-based clients, including My MATRIXX and MATRIXX Backoffice Customer Tool, must be configured to connect to communicate with MATRIXX Engine through the Gateway Proxy.

For information about deploying, configuring, and administering the MATRIXX Web apps, see MATRIXX Web App Administration.

Installing MATRIXX Gateways and Web Apps creates the mtx user if it does not already exist. All administration operations should be performed as this user.