Eligibility Feature Match Normalizer

The eligibility feature match normalizer compares the feature defined in the normalizer with all the features of all the catalog items owned by a subscription, group, or device, to look for a match.

Catalog items can include a set of eligibility features for enforcing eligibility and compatibility when purchasing or canceling catalog items. Rating uses the same set of features when applying the eligibility feature match normalizer.

The eligibility feature defined in the normalizer is matched with every feature in the owner's catalog items to see if a value is present in the eligibility feature in the normalizer with the same name, and if present, the same value. If no value is specified for the eligibility feature in the normalizer, the normalizer matches any feature in any of the owned catalog items with the same name, whether that owned feature has a value or not.

The results of an eligibility feature match normalizer can be one of the following:
  • 0 — A matching feaure is NOT present in the set of owned catalog items.
  • 1 — A matching feature is present in the set of owned catalog items.

When an eligibility feature match normalizer is applied, the feature defined in the normalizer is matched with all features of all an owner's catalog items. Rating operations can involve multiple catalog item owners. The owner whose set of catalog items is used for matching is the event initiator for the rating/policy operation. If the operation is triggered for a single device, the catalog items for both the device and the subscription are included in the set of features for matching.

For each type of operation, use the set of catalog items as described in the following sections.

Rate Tables

In rate tables:
  • Bill cycle recurring — Use the catalog items owned by the wallet owner (subscription or group).
    Note: When a device is purchased, any bill cycle recurring processing that is done as part of the purchase is not device-specific, therefore features of device-owned catalog items are not considered.
  • Purchased item cycle recurring:
    • Subscription-owned item — Use the catalog items owned by the subscription.
    • Group-owned item — Use the catalog items owned by the group.
    • Device-owned item — Use the catalog items owned by the device and the catalog items owned by the subscription with which the device is associated.
  • Balance cycle recurring — Use the catalog items owned by the balance owner (subscription or group).
    • Device-specific balances are owned by a subscription, not the device.
    • When a device is purchased, any balance cycle recurring processing that is done as part of the purchase is not device-specific, therefore features of device-owned catalog items are not considered.
  • First use — Use the catalog items owned by the balance owner (subscription or group). Where the balance owner is a subscription, also use the catalog items owned by the device.
  • Threshold triggered pricing — Use the catalog items owned by the owner of the balance containing the threshold (subscription or group).
  • Purchase and cancellation:
    • Group purchase or cancellation — Use the catalog items owned by the group.
    • Subscription purchase or cancellation — Use the catalog items owned by the subscription.
    • Device purchase or cancellation — Use the catalog items owned by the device and the catalog items owned by the subscription with which the device is associated.
      Note: Using both the subscription-owned and device-owned catalog items differs from how eligibility rules are checked during a device purchase or cancellation, where only the device-owned catalog items are used.
  • Usage — Use the catalog items owned by the device for which quota is being authorized or usage is being charged, and the catalog items for the subscription with which that device is associated.
  • Auto-renew — Use the features owned by the catalog item that owns the product offer being applied for a device, subscription, or group.

Policy Tables

Use the catalog items for the device for which policy is being calculated, and the catalog items for the subscription with which that device is associated.

All Other Tables

For all other tables (filters, offer priority generators, GL selectors, meter aggregation selectors, FUI generators, and others), use the catalog items that would be chosen for the operation in which the table is being applied, as defined earlier.