The script prints statistics for all MATRIXX Engine sub-domains configured for a domain, the Route Cache Controller, Route Cache Agent, Traffic Routing Agent HA pairs, Network Enabler, and any related MATRIXX Peer Manager instances, depending on the specified options. Run this script as the tra user on the server hosting any of these MATRIXX components.

Syntax [ --peer_manager | --rca | --route_cache_agent ]


The script has the following options.

-h, --help
Help about the script options.
-a address, --host=IP address
Specifies the host IP address for the data network plane. This value is set to by default.
-p port, --port=port
Specifies the port for the data network plane. This value is set to 4071 by default.
The MATRIXX Peer Manager is a networking infrastructure function for managing TCP connectivity between MATRIXX services. Each running instance reports its current peers' connectivity state along with server side information. This option prints MATRIXX Peer Manager statistics, including the debug name, server address, and local peer ID. For each peer, it prints the debug name, peer ID, address, state, time when connected, and time when disconnected.

The statitstics for the MATRIXX Peer Manager instances reported on by the script are given in the same format as used by the script.

-r number_of_seconds, --repeat=number_of_seconds
Repeats the printing of statistics, where number_of_seconds is an integer that specifies the interval between repeats.
--rca, --route_cache_agent
Prints Route Cache Agent statistics, including the debug name, server address version, MPM name, and diagnostic counters.

If the RCC is in client service network mode, the --rca command prints the RCC's Client RCA's destination address, connection state (either connected or disconnected), and last state change time stamp. Because an RCC in client service network mode has two RCAs, the Domain Resolver RCA (p2p) and the Downstream RCA (client), only the downstream RCA connection information is printed.

If the engine is in RCA Server Mode or RCA Dual Mode, the --rca command prints all the Transaction Server's RCA's client addresses, client connection states (pending or connected), and last state change time stamps.

For more information about what is reported, see the discussion about reported Route Cache statistics in MATRIXX Monitoring and Logging.

-v 0|1
When this option is set to 1 (default), it prints the MATRIXX release version. When the option is set to 0, the release version is not printed.
Print debug messages.

MATRIXX Engine Sub-Domains

Virtual IP
Name             Address          Netmask          Interface    Fqdn
vip1          32               lo           test1.localdomain             
vip2          32               lo           test2.localdomain             

Virtual Server
Name             VIP Name         Port Number      Protocol     Pool Name
vs1              vip1             3868             diameter     pool1           
vs2              vip2             4060             tcp          pool1           
vs3              vip2             4700             udp          pool1           

Domain Pool
Name             Monitor                        Monitor Port     Balance Method
pool1            cmi-cluster-active             4800             single-node
pool2            tcp-connect                    4800             round-robin

Domain Pool Node
Pool Name       Name Id   Address      Service State    Connect State  Usage Level 
poolNodeActive  b1    1  up               connected       50 
poolNodeActive  b2    2  unhealthy        connected       95 
poolNodeActive  b3    3  down             disconnected    not-applicable 

Network Enabler Signaling Network Statistics

Network Enabler Stats

                                                Received     Received      Payload      Payload
                                                    Rate     Delivery         Data         Data
Link Name                      State               Limit        Error     Received         Sent
------------------------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
DummyLink                      DOWN                    0            0            0            0
ExternalLink                   UP                      0            0            7           13
InternalLink                   UP                      0            0            9            2
ExternalLink2                  DOWN                    0            0            0            0
InternalLink2                  DOWN                    0            0            0            0

                                        UDT          UDT         XUDT         XUDT         LUDT         LUDT
Link Name                          Received         Sent     Received         Sent     Received         Sent
------------------------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
DummyLink                                 0            0            0            0            0            0
ExternalLink                              5           13            2            0            0            0
InternalLink                              7            0            0            0            2            2
ExternalLink2                             0            0            0            0            0            0
InternalLink2                             0            0            0            0            0            0

                                       UDTS         UDTS        XUDTS        XUDTS        LUDTS        LUDTS
Link Name                          Received         Sent     Received         Sent     Received         Sent
------------------------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
DummyLink                                 0            0            0            0            0            0
ExternalLink                              0            0            0            0            0            0
InternalLink                              0            0            0            0            0            0
ExternalLink2                             0            0            0            0            0            0
InternalLink2                             0            0            0            0            0            0

                                 Available      Available
Link Name                        Point Code           SSN
------------------------------ ------------ -------------
InternalLink                            101           146
InternalLink                            101           147
InternalLink                            102           146
InternalLink                            102           147
InternalLink                            103           147                                

          Messages received for valid but unreachable domains
     Total |                   Special treatment applied
           | BEGIN(IDP)  CONTINUE(ERBCSM or ACR)  BEGIN(IDPSMS)      Other
         7 |          1                        2              1          0
Note: PDU counters measuring TRA statistics are updated for application-level virtual server instances only, such as Diameter and MATRIXX Data Container (MDC). When TRA operates in a mode that does not route that kind of traffic, statistics for those virtual servers are reported as zeros.

Traffic Routing Agent Statistics

Traffic Routing Agent Stats

                          PDU Cache
Node State   Peer State   Buffs In Use
------------ ------------ ------------
running      unknown                0

Downstream PDU-(bytes)------------------------------- Upstream PDU Downstream Route Lookups-
    Received      Dropped       Cached    Throttled         Sent       Failed   Retry Failed
------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ --------------
           0            0            0            0            0            0              0

Downstream PDU-(bytes)------------------------------- Upstream PDU Downstream Route Lookups-
    Received      Dropped       Cached    Throttled         Sent       Failed   Retry Failed
------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ --------------
           7            0            0            1            0            0              0

 Active Conn   Total Conn  Downstream-(bytes)-------  Upstream-(bytes)---------
Bridge Gauge Bridge Count      Received         Sent      Received         Sent
------------ ------------  ------------ ------------  ------------ ------------
           0            0             0            0             0            0

 Active Conn   Total Conn  Downstream-(bytes)--------------------  Upstream-(bytes)----------------------
Bridge Gauge Bridge Count      Received         Sent      Dropped      Received         Sent      Dropped
------------ ------------  ------------ ------------ ------------  ------------ ------------ ------------
           0            0             0            0            0             0            0            0
Virtual IP
Name                             Address          Netmask          Interface    Fqdn
vip1                       32               eth4         traibmx3650m5-151.localdomain
Virtual Server
Name                             VIP Name                         Port Number      Protocol     Pool Name
vs1                              vip1                             4800             udp          poolLeader
vs2                              vip1                             4700             udp          poolLeader
vs3                              vip1                             3868             diameter     pool1
vs4																														vip1																													4060             mdc          pool1
vs5				     vip1                             4878             mdc          pool2

Domain Pool
Name                             Monitor Type                   Monitor Port     Balance Method         Service State
poolLeader                       cmi-node-cmp-leader            4800             single-node            up
pool1                            cmi-node-any-cluster-active    4800             round-robin            up
pool2                            cmi-node-active                4800             round-robin            up
pool3                            cmi-cluster-active-shadow      4800             single-node            up             

Domain Pool Node
Pool Name                        Name            Id           Address             Service State    Connect State
poolLeader                       b1              1           up               connected
poolLeader                       b2              2           down             connected
pool1                            b1              1           up               connected
pool1                            b2              2           up               connected
pool2                            b1              1           up               connected
pool2                            b2              2           up               connected

System Statistics

Sys Stats
Monitoring                     Memory Pool
    Interval   Processing     in use       Max  Threshold
   (seconds)       Errors       (MB)      (MB)       (MB)
           5            0       1279      2000         50
Service Stats
                                                      Resident    Virtual    System      User         Total
                    Critical                          Set Size     Memory  CPU Time  CPU Time      CPU Time
      Name     Pid    Errors    Errors     Timestamp      (KB)   Size(KB) (jiffies) (jiffies)     (jiffies)
ne           17798         0         0    6292433282     14391    2005860         4        65    5033945852
snmp         17621         0         0    6292433272     47604    2338552        77        65    5033945925
tra          17703         0         0    6292433294     17226    2662820        18       300    5033946102